Abandoned St. Nicholas’ Church – Once The Tallest Building In The World

The tall gothic tower of St. Nicholas’ Church in Hamburg, Germany is all that remains of this once grand structure.

However, the former tallest building in the world still dominates the skyline. Imagine the awe-inspiring sight it must have been back in 1874 when the church was first constructed.

The ornate gothic fortress was originally built on the site of a former church which had burnt to the ground. For nearly 70 years it stood as a proud beacon of engineering prowess, until the destruction of WW2 entered the fray.

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As was case for many European cities during this hellish time, the conflict drastically changed the city’s landscape.

During a 1943 bombing run the church was irreparably damaged and had to be abandoned. The nave building was torn down soon after, yet the intricately designed tower was stable enough to be remain.

The tower still stands in Hamburg today and has been turned into a holocaust memorial. A poignant and eerie reminder of the senseless destruction that occurred during that time.

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(Image credits: Wikimedia, Picturescollections.com, stnicholschurchchristmas.com)
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