The Dog Lifespan: What to Expect and How to Keep Them Healthy Longer

dog lifespan

In 2016, the world’s oldest-known dog, an Australian sheepdog named Maggie, passed away in her bed.

She was 30-years-old.

Maybe you’re thinking of adopting, or already gazing lovingly at your fur-baby. Either way, you must be wondering about average life expectancy and how you might prolong a dog lifespan.

You want to keep your pup around as long as possible, right?

Well, read on, you wonderful, concerned fur-parent.

How Long is my Pup Gonna Stick Around?

The truth is, the biggest determining factors of your doggo’s lifespan have to do with things you can’t control, like her breed and overall genetic makeup.

Smaller dog breeds tend to live longer than larger ones. An 18-year-old Chihuahua won’t be the most shocking dog in the park, although, sadly, an 8-year-old Great Dane might be.

Certain breeds are sometimes just naturally prone to breed-specific diseases or other physical factors that might limit your time together.

While some of these factors are unavoidable, there are still plenty of things you can do to keep your pup around for a long time to come.

How Can I Keep My Dog Around Longer?

Here are a few tips:

Maintain a Healthy Diet

You probably could have guessed this first tip; your doctor’s probably recommended the same thing for you.

A veterinary study proved that dogs who committed to a 25% reduction in overall caloric intake lived two years longer than the dogs in the study who ate more. Two years longer!

Take care when feeding your pup. Avoid kibble that contains meat byproducts and excessive amounts of sodium, and consider consulting your veterinarian for advice on brands and serving sizes.

Commit to Exercising

Your doctor has probably lectured you on this, too.

Regular walks help with the rhythm of your dog’s digestive system, help relieve stress on his heart, and improve overall fitness and muscle mass.

For your pup’s sake–and yours–don’t skip the walk today.

Stay on Top of Healthcare

The fact of the matter is, regular healthcare is absolutely essential to extending the lifespan of a dog.

Spaying and neutering your little buddy eliminates the risk of reproductive cancers and related disorders. Regular dental care prevents life-threatening oral infections and heart disease.

Commitment to canine healthcare can allow you to catch problems early on. That is, while there’s still plenty of time for effective medical treatment and alternative health care like the stuff from Honest Paws.

She might hate going, but your pup should see the vet once a year while she’s still young. She’ll need regular check-ups twice each year as she gets older.

Keep Learning New Tricks

It turns out, old dogs should learn new tricks.

Just like humans, when dogs suffer from severe boredom and lack of stimulation, they can fall into fits of anxiety, depression, and even physical illness that can seriously impact overall health.

Consider signing your pup up for obedience classes or trying his paw at an agility course to keep his mind sharp as he gets older.

What Else Should I Remember About Dog Lifespan?

There are several factors in dog life expectancy that you can’t control, like breed and genetics. It seems unfair that the average dog lifespan is anything short of 100-happy-years.

But always keep in mind the measures you can take, like exercising and keeping up with healthcare, to help earn your dog a couple of extra awesome years.

Plus, and a little extra snuggles and playtime never hurt.

While your pup snoozes before your next walk, check out some more small doses of interesting from us!

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