5 Life Changing Apps You Have to Download Immediately

life changing apps

With over 22 million apps on the App Store alone, it can be difficult to choose which apps you need.

There’s an app for everything. If you need someone to fix a leak, there’s an app for that. If you want someone to pick up your groceries, there’s an app for that too.

Here are 5 of the most life-changing apps you need to download today.

1. Skillshare

Do you ever wish that you had taken that class and learned that new skill? Skillshare is an app which lets you pursue your passions in your own time.

Life gets busy and there’s no way you can fit in classes around your already busy schedule. Skillshare is an app which lets you take almost any course you’d like around your own schedule.

Their online classes and seminars make it easy and fun to learn. Within a short while, you could be an expert in anything from video editing to coding. Who knows, you could even get hired to work for a company like Databerry that makes amazing apps just like the ones on this list.

2. Kwit

There are so many benefits to quitting smoking, but it can be difficult to do. Anyone who has done it will tell you that quitting smoking is one of the most challenging things you’ll do.

Kwit is a great app which makes the journey so much easier. It will show you through each stage of quitting your addiction. You can log how many you smoke versus how many you don’t smoke. It tells you how much you’ve saved and how long it’s been since your last smoke.

It’s a fun way to quit and keeps you motivated along the way.

3. Postmates

Our lives get so busy now that it can be hard to find a moment to do grocery shopping or make dinner. That’s where Postmates comes in.

Postmates is an app which has someone else do it for you. You can order food from any restaurant or get them to pick up something from the store. It doesn’t need to be food either, you can get them to get you a laptop if you so desire!

It takes little stresses away from your life to let you unwind and focus on things that matter.

4. Yolt

Money is a source of all things stressful. Making sure you save enough to pay the bills each month and put food on the table can be challenging for some.

Coming up with tricks to save money here and there is essential. Yolt is an app that helps you get better with money. It calculates your spending and shows where you can save. It tells you when payday is and takes spending habits into consideration. Then, it shows you a realistic amount you can budget with.

5. Blinkist

We all want to be able to read more but some of us don’t have enough time. Blinkist can help with that.

It’s an app which gives you audio summaries of books you want to read within 15 minutes. You’ll get the run down of the whole book and feel like you’ve actually read it. It’s perfect for listening to on a run or on your daily commute.

With everything from fiction to self-improvement, it’s an easy way to change up your life.

Download these Life Changing Apps Today

The tools to build the life you want are available on right your smartphone. So what are you waiting for? Download some of these life-changing apps today.

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