Adjust Your Body, Adjust Your Life: The Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

benefits of chiropractic

Is getting your back cracked good for you? What could that possibly do to help your life?

As it turns out, a lot. The benefits of chiropractic care are many and they extend further than your achy back or neck.

You can experience lower blood pressure, fewer headaches, and even weight loss with regular chiropractic care. Learn more below!

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Like anything, spot treating with random and inconsistent chiropractic care won’t have the benefits of using it regularly. The benefits below only come with regular treatment and appointments.

1. Blood Pressure

An interesting study was published in the Human Journal of Hypertension. It showed that those who suffer from high blood pressure can benefit from chiropractic care.

The study stated that six months of regular chiropractic treatment led to the same effect as blood pressure medications. The effects of the treatment lasted for six months after the experiment too!

Seeing as high blood pressure medications have some nasty side effects, it’s worth giving this benefit a crack. Don’t go off any medication without the permission of your doctor.

On the opposite side of the spectrum? Chiropractic care helped those with low blood pressure as well.

2. Work Related Pain

If you have back or neck pain from sitting at a computer all day, a chiropractor can help.

Getting an alignment can push things that are hurting you back to where they’re supposed to be. This effect doesn’t last forever, especially if the cause is bad posture at your work desk.

However, you can learn what hurts and what helps once your chronic pain is gone. YouR chiropractor may have suggestions about pillows or seat cushions that help with your pain.

By using this non-invasive method, you can retain the clarity to do your job well and not spend large sums on pain medication.

3. Sciatica

Your nervous system is so much more than just butterflies in your stomach. Compressing or damaging a nerve can cause extreme and severe pain.

One type of nerve pain is sciatica, which is when you have pressure on your sciatic nerve. The pain from sciatica can radiate all the way down your legs or stay in your low back.

If you ask a doctor how to treat sciatica, they’ll recommend pain medications and nerve suppressants. Chiropractic adjustments are a less expensive and less invasive way to calm the pain.

There are studies that track fewer pain days for patients who use chiropractic adjustments to treat their sciatica.

4. Scoliosis

What’s worse than occasional back pain? Constant, chronic back pain! Unfortunately, if you’re diagnosed with scoliosis, you know the struggle well.

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine has an unnatural curve. Think about people who know who wear or wore shaping back braces in school.

Chiropractors can’t cure scoliosis, but getting regular adjustments along with medical treatment can keep it from getting worse.

Each patient’s spine and case is different – not everyone is help-able. However, it’s worth a try!

5. Treat Inflammation

If you have arthritis or joint pain, you know that part of the discomfort comes from joint inflammation. When there’s not enough joint fluid or too much, pain occurs.

Getting chiropractic adjustments can help bring the fluid back to where it belongs. Imagine that you’re having a lot of elbow pain and it seems swollen.

Your chiropractor can work on adjusting your elbow and making the extra fluid from there return to the shoulder or the wrist.

The same is true for muscle tension, if your muscle feels tense like it hasn’t released, there may be an alignment issue. Your chiropractor will check that everything is in the right place and do their best to get the muscle to relax.

6. Relief from Headaches

If you get constant tension headaches or migraines, you know how it can bring your day to a complete stop. Especially if you’re not sure why you experience this kind of pain.

Some of it may be coming from back and spinal issues. When your spine isn’t aligned correctly, it can send painful impulses up your nervous system.

Those impulses can cause tension headaches and migraines.

7. Brain Benefits

We know that parts of our body need sufficient blood flow and when they don’t get that, there are issues. Think about how it feels when your foot falls asleep. It’s begging to get blood back into it.

Your brain needs sufficient blood flow too, so you stay a healthy and happy human. If it doesn’t get enough cerebral fluid and oxygen, it makes some conditions worse.

If you’re suffering from multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, or other neurological conditions, talk to your doctor about chiropractic care. It’s a tool to add to your toolbox, not a replacement of medications of doctor’s recommendations!

Click here to find a licensed clinic and check it out!

8. Youngins Benefit Too!

Did you know that child-adjustments can help with nasty things like colic and ear infections? Anyone who’s watched their child suffer an ear infection knows they’d try anything to help the pain stop.

Chiropractic adjustments for children may be what you’re looking for. You want to make sure you pick a chiropractor who has experience in pediatric care before you book.

The Benefits of Regular Care

With all the potential benefits of chiropractic care you could experience above, we’re confused as to why you haven’t scheduled an appointment for chiropractic care.

It can help with everything from your blood pressure to your two-year-olds ear infection. What’s more powerful than that?

Don’t think its for you? Check out more science-related guides here.

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