Can You Vape CBD Oil? This and Other Questions About CBD Answered Here

CBD oil is a booming business.

It’s brought in several million dollars and is estimated to grow to over $2 billion dollars by the year 2020. More and more people are recognizing its amazing health benefits and are beginning to try it as an alternative to other treatment methods.

Even with the oil gaining momentous popularity, the other question is, can you vape CBD oil? Is there a difference between vaping and ingesting? And if so, are there benefits to one or the other?

Let’s explore this terrain and see if vaping could be the right choice for you.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is short for cannabidiol and comes from the cannabis plant. It differs in that it cannot supply you with that psychosomatic, or high feeling you get when using marijuana. This is because it lacks sufficient levels of THC, the chemical responsible for feeling high.

However, CBD is a broad term, as it can mean ingestable oils or vaping oils. So it’s important to differentiate especially when you’re deciding what to use it for.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD oil is bioavailable, meaning only a specific percentage can have an effect on your body. Just like a food or drug, its effect will be heavy or shallow depending on how much you’ve consumed, and more precisely, by what method.

For CBD oil, for every 100 milligrams you ingested orally, 15 milligrams actually impact the body and enter the bloodstream. CBD oil quickly flows through your bloodstream and into fatty tissues within your body, meaning some CBD oil is lost. It also must pass through the liver and the gut, resulting even more in breaking down.

Still have questions? You can check online sources about CBD oil and how it works.

Can You Vape CBD Oil?

The short answer is, yes and no! But let’s explore this in more depth.

It’s important to note that CBD oil is designed to be taken orally and not with a CBD vape pen.

However, there are liquids that are fashioned to be vaporized. It’s these you should seek out if you want to begin vaping with CBD oil. More specifically, e-liquid or vape liquid.

Benefits of Vaping CBD Oil

Because the bioavailability of CBD oil is so short when ingested orally, vaping CBD oil may prove more beneficial if you are hoping to gain more from using CBD oil.

Vaping takes CBD oil directly to the lungs and straight to the bloodstream, avoiding the chemical-breakdown process in the gut and liver. This means nearly four times as much CBD oil impacts the body, increasing its bioavailability, and you feel the effects more quickly.

So, vaping could be a preferred choice, especially if you need a rapid burst of CBD oil. Vaping also has fewer side effects than when CBD oil is taken internally.

Vaping is also believed to help relieve symptoms of stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, inflammation and more, though more studies are needed.

Vaping CBD oil will also not get you high and give you the munchies, despite its similarity with smoking marijuana. It’s still CBD oil!

Are There Any Precautions to Vaping CBD Oil?

Make sure the oil you choose is specifically for vaping. For example, bottles labeled CBD tinctures are mixed with a carrier oil, like canola or olive oil, to help the body digest it. These are not proper for vaping.

Vaping oils are mixed with a thinning agent which lessens the potency of the carrier oil and makes it appropriate for vaping when heated.

Watching your dosage is incredibly important. Start with a low dosage and increase slowly. The recommended starting dose is about 10 milligrams.

Some people will develop allergies to the chemicals in the vaping oils, so pay attention if you develop an allergy symptom. The two main allergens would be from propane glycol and vegetable glycerin, agents mixed with CBD oil in vaping liquids.

How Can I Get Started Vaping CBD Oil?

There are two types of devices to use to vape CBD liquid:

Vaping Pen

Also called an e-cigarette, vaping pens are battery powered and come with cartridges that hold CBD oil. They use heat to warm up the oil to create steam in which you can vape. A cartridge of CBD vaping oil is roughly 25mg-300mg and typically lasts anywhere from 4-14 days.

These are recommended for novice vapers.

Price ranges for vaping pens can be anywhere between $20-40, or more.


A vaporizer works in a similar way but uses a tank to hold CBD oil instead of a cartridge that needs to be refilled manually. While the vaping pen has a slender appearance, a vaporizer is a bit larger, with a more boxy shape.

The cost of a vaporizer can be anywhere between $40-80, with more premium ones costing more.

They are easy to manage, and also comes with a battery-powered charger. However, if you’ve never smoked anything before, stick with an e-cig before you try a vaporizer.

What Are Other Ways to Use CBD Oil?

Vaping isn’t for everyone. If you decide vaping isn’t for you, there are other ways to reap the benefits of CBD oil:


These are a convenient choice and simple when choosing a dosage.


As discussed above, a tincture is CBD oil combined with a carrier oil and administer through a dropper. It’s meant to be taken orally and some are flavored.


These are 10 times more potent than alternative CBD products. They’re also convenient and popular.


Companies have infused their lotions and lip balms and other topical products with CBD oil for those with chronic pain, psoriasis, and for anti-aging purposes. They’re specially formulated to penetrate CBD oil through the skin.


Although sprays are convenient on-the-go, the amount of CBD oil in them is small and dosage is more difficult to nail down.


Edibles are becoming a highly-sought-after way to take CBD oil, though the concentration is somewhat of guesswork when taken.

Vaping CBD Oil: A Summary

The question, “Can you vape CBD oil?” can be answered fairly easily by just remembering a few things: its potent bioavailability, how to do it, and which a device and liquid you use. It can be a healthy hobby or an alternative treatment to specific ailments.

If you want to begin vaping CBD oil, start with these steps and begin moving forward.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of CBD oil? Check out our page for everything you need to know.

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