Flush It Fast: How to Get Weed Out of Your System

how to get weed out of your system

Weed offers you the chance to relax after a long day. Many people find it useful in combating certain aches and pains along with other health problems, such as arthritis and epilepsy.

Although weed is legal in several states, that doesn’t mean all employers find it acceptable for employees to consume, especially if you’re on the clock. What do you do when you have a drug test and you need to know how to get weed out of your system?

Detoxing doesn’t need to seem difficult. Learn more about the many options for clearing your body of weed and what you can do to speed it up.

Know What Type of Drug Test You Need to Pass

When you’re getting a drug test administered at your job, it normally comes down to either urine or hair tests. How often you use it and when you used last play a pivotal role in the test you’ll need to take.

Urine tests are the cheapest and most commonly used tests. Companies prefer these because they’re quick and easy to administer.

Blood tests are the next commonly used. They’re accurate and your job can elect to use this if they want a definitive answer.

Finally, hair tests cost more than the other options and aren’t as common. Depending on the type of work you do, your job may choose this to ensure you’re not skirting around your test.

Unlike the other options, it’s harder to pass a hair test if you use weed regularly.

Understand the Basic Steps on How to Get Weed Out of Your System

Before you start cleansing yourself for a drug test, you need to determine how often you use marijuana to discover how long it stays in your system. The less you use, the easier it is to get it out of your system.

The best way to clean your body out is to start detoxing. Don’t smoke, vape, or consume any edibles that have marijuana in them. Overall, you’ll find it easier to detox if you have a fast metabolism and don’t retain water.

The more fat cells you have and the longer your body holds on to water, the easier it is for THC to show up during a drug test.

Finally, determine what type of test you’re most likely to take. This helps you prepare and ensure you have the greatest chances of passing.

Learn How You Can Pass a Urine Test

Passing a urine test takes a little prep, but it’s doable. Ensure you’re drinking plenty of water as you go through the detox process.

Drinking water dilutes the urine and helps to flush the body out. Drinking up to three liters the day before and two the day of the test is your best bet for cleansing.

The only downside to doing this is your urine runs clear, and some testing centers may suspect you’re using anyway if it’s that light. Consider adding a B-12 vitamin to help give your urine color and lessen any suspicion.

If you don’t have a lot of time and want to ensure you’re getting the correct amount of vitamins, consider a detox kit. These get formulated just for individuals like yourself, who need help with a THC detox.

You can learn about the different pills and drinks on the market based on your needs and budget.

When taking your test, don’t use the beginning or end of your stream. These contain the highest amount of substance, making it easier to detect if you’ve used recently.

Dealing With a Hair Test and Having Success

A hair test is tricky to pass. If you’re a heavy user, luck generally isn’t on your side with this one.

Because your hair can hold evidence of marijuana use for up to three months, it’s harder to hide or get rid of proof you’ve been using. If you believe you’ll need to take a hair test, stop using right away.

There are special shampoos on the market designed for individuals who need to pass a hair follicle test. Some folks choose to shave before a test, getting rid of everything including body hair, so there’s nothing to pull from.

Living a Healthy Life for the Best Results

Living a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise and clean eating offer the best ways to avoid testing positive for marijuana.

Make a plan to exercise at least three times a week. This decreases the number of fat cells in your body, giving THC fewer places to hide should you choose to use weed.

Drinking plenty of water is always a good habit and keeps your body from retaining fluids due to dehydration.

Watch your eating habits and stay away from junk food as much as possible. Opt for locally grown or organic fruits and vegetables.

Choose other healthy foods such as lean meat, which are broken down easier by your body.

Finally, cut back on the weed you consume or stop it completely. if your job participates in regular drug testing, it’s difficult to stay clean and get it out of your system on a regular basis.

Cutting back can seem hard, but overall it makes it easier to pass your test and keep your job.

Learn More

If you’re trying to figure out how to get weed out of your system, understand that the process varies based on how often you use marijuana and what type of test you’re going to take. Thankfully, there’s a variety of options on the market today to help you cleanse even in a limited amount of time.

If you’re interested in learning about the benefits of marijuana alternatives, check out our article on using CBD oil. Even if you’re not using marijuana in the traditional sense, you can still take advantage of everything this magical plant has to offer.

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