Life After Trauma: 6 Unexpected Causes of PTSD

man with PTSD

Have you heard about veterans who suffer from PTSD?

About 8 million people suffer from PTSD. Most think that PTSD only comes from those that have been to war. This isn’t true, and it can cause people to avoid seeking treatment simply because they haven’t been in combat.

It’s an important disorder that everyone should know about because there are various types of trauma that can cause it.

Continue reading to learn more about some of the causes of PTSD and its symptoms.

What Is PTSD?

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. It occurs in people who have gone through life-threatening or traumatic experiences.

These experiences can prevent people from living normal lives because everyday activities can remind them of the events. Some of the PTSD brain changes include anger issues, wanting to avoid people, and re-experiencing events.

Effects of PTSD

There are many effects of PTSD that can change the way a person thinks and behaves.


Hyperarousal is a mixture of symptoms that include irritability, sudden anger, and being alert at all times. It’s easy to anger those with hyperarousal, so something as simple as loud noises can set someone off.


Avoidance is a symptom where people will avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma. This can include going to places that have many people, making it very difficult for some people to go out with friends and family.

People that suffer from avoidance will often work day and night or use alcohol to keep themselves from thinking about the trauma.


Re-experiencing an event can happen if a person is reminded of the traumatic event. Seeing, hearing, or smelling something that reminds them of the trauma can give them flashbacks and nightmares.


When people have PTSD, they often think about the event and how it could’ve gone differently. This usually ends up with them feeling guilty for what happened because they think of ways that they could have avoided it.


Suspicion comes when victims overthink the event. PTSD victims will have problems trusting people because they fear that they could experience the event again.

Causes of PTSD

There is a list of traumatic events that can cause PTSD. It’s not possible to create a conclusive list because any sort of trauma can leave one with the disorder. Here are some traumatic experience examples:

1. Car Accidents

There is a lot of responsibility put into the hands of those that drive vehicles. Unfortunately, car accidents are more common than they should be. This leaves many people with an overwhelming fear of vehicles.

PTSD from a car accident can stem from the pain involved in it, the sounds, the impact of the collision, and more. If you’d like, you can read more about the correlation between car accidents and PTSD.

2. Rape

Rape is a very traumatic experience that can completely change a person. Being a victim can cause one to completely distrust anyone of the sex that raped them, and it can give them fear about having any sexual interactions.

Many rape victims don’t reach out in fear of being looked down upon or the person coming after them, and this prevents victims from being diagnosed with PTSD.

3. Extreme Violence

Violence is one of the most common causes of PTSD. Soldiers who witnessed a plethora of murders and gunfire are likely to come back from the war with PTSD. Even those that have experienced other forms of violence can get it.

While war is a popular cause of PTSD, regular people can get it from being near violence themselves. Being assaulted or killing someone can give a person PTSD. Even accidental deaths can cause it.

4. Witnessing Trauma

Witnessing a traumatic event is enough to give someone PTSD because they have seen something gruesome before their eyes. One of the reasons why people get PTSD is because they start to worry about what they just witnessed.

When people see someone get into a car accident, they can start to worry that an accident similar to what they’ve seen will happen to them. One doesn’t have to partake in the event to receive PTSD.

5. Being Kidnapped

Similar to rape, being kidnapped is a highly traumatic experience. It can give trust issues and a plethora of fears depending on how one was kidnapped. If a person was kidnapped in an SUV, they can contract a fear of similar vehicles.

They can also contract a fear of the other elements involved, such as the type of clothing the kidnapper(s) wore and the area in which they were kidnapped.

6. Divorce

PTSD from divorce can make it very difficult for people to interact with potential partners. Divorce can take a toll on a person because of the many factors involved, such as money, custody, ownership, etc.

The thought of a potential divorce can deter one from proposing or even pursuing a future relationship, to begin with.

If You Think Someone Has PTSD, Help Them

PTSD affects people in many negative ways, and it’s hard for people to reach out because of the cliché that only soldiers can get it. If you know someone that is showing signs of PTSD, find a therapist to get them the treatment they need. Ensure that they’re not exposed to causes of PTSD or any other thing that could trigger or worsen the condition.

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