The Low-Down on Cannabis Topicals: 8 Ways They May Benefit You

cannabis creams

Slathering your skin with cannabis topicals is the latest health craze. Infused creams, oils, and lotions clutter the market. You could devote your life to trying new cannabis topicals and still not have enough time to review everything that’s for sale.

You can’t become intoxicated from cannabis creams, even if they’re loaded with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound responsible for cannabis’ psychoactive effects. However, you can receive serious health benefits.

Let’s talk about what they are.

1. Reduced Pain

Numerous professional athletes admit to using cannabis lotion to help their recovery after a tough workout.

Cannabis topicals provide direct pain relief to sore areas. Rub the lotion into your aching, tired limbs and your pain might evaporate. Unlike opioids, you don’t have to worry about a prescription to try cannabis ointments,

If your state forbids the sale of products containing THC, you can find topicals infused with CBD, another cannabis compound. CBD reduces your pain without intoxicating you.

2. Better Skin

Adding cannabis to your beauty routine can give you glowing, youthful-looking skin. Cannabis flowers are thick with antioxidants.

The right oil or lotion helps your skin recover from daily irritants. Your body constantly comes in contact with rough, abrasive surfaces. The damage can mar your skin’s appearance.

Scientists believe CBD is particularly helpful for skin issues. It binds to special receptors in your skin that are involved in regulating sensations like heat and pain.

Skin improvements take time. To track your progress, take daily pictures, Your camera is a better judge than you are.

If you’re lucky enough to live in a state with legal dispensaries, you can sample your CBD lotion before you buy it.

3. Reduced Stress

Cannabis = stress relief.

The connection is so strong that even people who’ve never tried cannabis know that the plant relaxes people. That’s why post-traumatic stress disorder is a qualifying condition for most medical cannabis programs.

Your ingestion method matters. An infused cream designed for your lips probably won’t have the strongest effect.

If you need to reduce your stress fast, try using cannabis oil. Allow it to seep into your skin. Not only will this hydrate your pores, but it can also take a dent out of your stress.

Using cannabis is such an effective way to manage stress that many consumers purchase it for that reason alone.

4. Better Mood

Your pain is gone, your stress level has plummeted, and you look great. You don’t need a Ph.D. to understand why cannabis topicals can uplift your mood.

The change will be subtle at first. The first you few times you try a CBD or THC cream, you might not notice anything. This is especially true if you’re not targeting a specific problem like tender shoulders or sore knees.

However, after applying cannabis topicals for a few days in a row, you might start feeling a little brighter. Little things that used to annoy you, like sitting in traffic, no longer raise your blood pressure.

5. Soothed Arthritis

Arthritis can be crippling. It often strikes as people age, however, you can be diagnosed at any point in life.

There are many different types of arthritis. There’s currently no cure for any of them. Sufferers have no choice but to find ways to live with their symptoms.

It’s easy to see why cannabis might be useful. It’s a known pain-reliever that also affects your stress level. Researchers are just beginning to dive into the potential benefits.

When you’re experiencing a flare up of your arthritis, speak to your doctor about adding cannabis topicals to your routine. You may have to try to different brands until you find one that works for you.

All CBD isn’t created equal. There’s hemp-derived CBD, cannabis-derived CBD, etc.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Both THC and CBD are thought to be anti-inflammatory, although CBD is more effective. Inflammation is the cause of many serious diseases.

When your body is inflamed, you’ll feel terrible. Reducing that inflammation is critical for your health. Search for CBDB-heavy products if this is your goal.

You’ll have to judge the effectiveness of the regimen by how you feel. There’s no inflammation meter that you’ll be able to watch tick down.

Much of the ongoing research into cannabinoids is focusing on the immune system.

7. Improved Hair

Bouncing, gorgeous hair makes you look more attractive. However, keeping your strands in good shape is harder than it looks. You have to grapple with both the environment and your personal genetics.

Cannabis hair products only hit the market recently. Now that manufacturers have don’t have to worry about the law, they’re free to introduce infused products.

Because THC isn’t legal everywhere, CBD-infused hair products are much more common. That’s okay. CBD might be even better for your hair.

When you’re searching for fresh products, look for ones that are made with full spectrum CBD. This means the CBD was sourced from a cannabis plant and contains other useful compounds.

By contrast, CBD isolates are pure CBD.

Because scientists are still working out the effects of cannabis on the body, it’s not clear what most cannabinoids do. However, there is reason to believe that all of the compounds in cannabis work together to produce the well-known effects.

8. Burn Relief

When you’re burned, receptors in the affected area send a pain signal to your brain. CBD and THC both exert an effect on these receptors.

CBD and THC are cannabinoids, compounds exclusively found in cannabis plants. They interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system This system is involved in regulating sensations like heat and pain.

Opioid painkillers are undeniably effective but they come with a very heavy price. Cannabis topicals, by contrast, aren’t associated with any negative side effects. Because they’re non-psychoactive, anyone can buy them.

Where to Find Cannabis Topicals

Head to your nearest dispensary when you’re ready to try cannabis topicals.  A good budtender will be able to guide you to the right purchase.

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