The Skinny On Non Surgical Fat Reduction

woman body treatment at medical center

Losing weight always sounds easier said than done. Sometimes, those stubborn fat cells just won’t leave. 

Have you tried dieting, workout regimens, and every fad out there to no avail? Maybe it’s time to look into a non-surgical option. You wouldn’t be the first.

Many people are experiencing the same weight-loss struggles you are. As a result, more people are turning to noninvasive and minimally invasive fat reduction procedures. In fact, these procedures are expected to create a $1.1 billion industry by 2022. 

By choosing from these treatment options, you can start trimming away stubborn fat without tedious downtime. 

Get rid of your fat and accomplish your body goals without surgery. Keep reading to discover the top four non-surgical fat removal procedures you can choose from today!

1. CoolSculpting

Also known as cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting is becoming one of the top non-surgical fat reduction procedures available today. In fact, the popularity surrounding this procedure has grown by 76% in less than two years.

Why are so many patients choosing CoolSculpting as their go-to non-invasive fat removal surgery? For starters, it’s fast, easy, and has a high success rate. 

CoolSculpting uses cold temperatures to encourage the breakdown of fat cells. Most cells throughout the human body aren’t susceptible to cold temperatures. By freezing your fat cells, you can protect your skin and organs from injury while promoting fat reduction. 

Instead of treating your entire body, CoolSculpting works by reducing localized fat deposits. With this treatment option, you can reduce the volume of fat within a specific, fatty area. 

You can choose to treat more than one area. However, it’s important to note that some areas require additional treatment than others for success. You can speak with your surgeon to develop a plan that meets your weight loss goals.

The Procedure

This fat removal surgery is performed without the use of anesthesia. Instead, your surgeon will begin by studying the dimensions and shape of the fatty area you want to treat. Then, they’ll select an applicator with the right size and curvature for that treatment area. 

In order to protect your skin, the surgeon will place a gel pad against your skin before treatment. Then, they’ll apply the applicator to the bulge of fat cells. The applicator will vacuum the bulge into the device’s hollow space.

Once the treatment area is within the device, the temperature will begin to drop. As the temperature decreases, the target area will begin to numb. 

Some patients experience a little discomfort when the vacuum pulls at their skin. However, the discomfort only lasts for a few minutes. The entire treatment will likely run for about an hour. 

This non-surgical fat removal treatment offers low risks and high rewards. After treatment, your fat cells will shrink within four to six months, reducing your fat cells by 20%.

This after CoolSculpting procedure guide can help you learn more about your next steps.

2. Injection Lipolysis

As you explore other fat reduction options, you might want to consider injection lipolysis. This treatment option reduces the number of fat cells in a specified area using a chemical. Deoxycholic acid will cause fat cell disruption, which will eventually lead to death. 

One of the most common types of injection lipolysis available is Kybella.

The best treatment area for this procedure is under the skin. if you have loose skin or a poor skin tone, however, your doctor might not consider you an ideal candidate.

The Procedure

Before your treatment, your surgeon will inject local anesthesia into your chin. A measured amount of deoxycholic acid is then injected into a grid pattern.

There aren’t many common complications associated with this fat reduction procedure. However, some patients have experienced nerve damage, which can lead to an uneven smile. Another infrequent complication is difficulty swallowing. 

As with the other non-surgical fat removal procedures in this guide, injection lipolysis requires no downtime. However, you might notice swelling or redness around the injection area following your procedure. Your side effects should decrease with time. 

Most patients notice results after eight weeks.

3. Radiofrequency Lipolysis

If you’re not interested in injections radiofrequency lipolysis is another non-surgical fat removal option. Vanquish is one of the most common radiofrequency lipolysis treatments available.

The Procedure

During this fat removal surgery, your surgeon will use radio frequency to heat your fat cells. The device won’t make actual contact with your body. Instead, the device heats your skin from a distance. 

Keeping the device off of your skin allows the surgeon to treat your fat cells without inadvertently harming other cell types.

This procedure will allow you to reduce the volume of fat in a specific bulge. You can treat more than one area or treat the same area as needed. You won’t need local anesthesia for radiofrequency lipolysis. 

The procedure takes about 30 minutes. You can schedule appointments to repeat the procedure once a week over the span of four weeks. 

There are only minimal risks associated with this type of surgery. Like injection lipolysis, radiofrequency lipolysis isn’t ideal for patients with loose skin or poor skin tones.

One of the most common risks associated with this procedure is erythema. As with the other fat reduction treatments listed, you won’t need downtown to recover from radiofrequency lipolysis. 

4. Laser Lipolysis

The final non-surgical fat reduction procedure on our list is laser lipolysis. Using an applicator, your surgeon will deliver laser energy to your fat cells. The cells are heated and then disrupted without impacting your skin or other cell types. 

The most common laser lipolysis procedure is called SculpSure. 

Most patients who use this treatment option focus on localized fat around the flanks or abdomen. Patients with loose skin aren’t ideal for this type of procedure. Laser lipolysis also isn’t ideal if your fat is located deep in the muscle of the abdomen. 

The Procedure

You won’t need local anesthesia for this procedure. Before treatment, your surgeon will take a look at the dimensions and shape of the target area. Then, they’ll apply the applicator to your skin.

The treatment usually lasts 25 minutes. During that time, you’ll experience a cooling sensation along with intermittent warmth or tingling. 

You might experience temporary redness, tenderness, or swelling after the procedure. Otherwise, risks are low. You should begin to see results within six weeks to three months after treatment. 

Trim Out the Fat: Your Guide to Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Say goodbye to those pesky, stubborn fat cells and hello to a new you! With these non-surgical fat reduction treatment options, slimming down is easier than ever. Plus, there’s no downtime to worry about!

Looking for more tips? Explore the Beauty section of the blog today!

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