The Top 8 Easiest Vegetables to Grow for Beginners

easiest vegetables to grow

Your body needs vegetables.

Vegetables are one of the–if not the most–important food groups. A diet rich in vegetables is linked to all sorts of health benefits, including a significantly reduced risk for chronic disease and longer life.

While you can just pick up all the vegetables you need at your local supermarket, growing your own can be fulfilling and save you a load of cash. Plus, it ensures you get a clean, healthy, and ultra-fresh batch every time.

If you’re thinking about starting a garden, stick around for a closer look at some of the easiest vegetables to grow and how to get started.

Get Started Gardening with the Easiest Vegetables to Grow

Gardening doesn’t have to be complicated.

If you think about it, growing your own vegetables really comes down to just four things:

  • Soil
  • Sun
  • Water
  • Plants

Start by finding a spot in your yard for the garden. Make sure it gets plenty of sun throughout the day.

If you don’t have a yard or much space, you can also use a few large containers filled with gardening soil. Some vegetables can even be planted in smaller containers indoors.

Then you’ll just need to pick your vegetables and plant them according to the seller’s instructions. Vegetables can be bought as seeds or as sprouted plants from many home improvement stores or nurseries like Decker’s Nursery.

Get them planted at the right time, water regularly, and watch them grow!


These bright, crunchy vegetables are packed with vitamin A and other essential nutrients. They’re also super simple to grow–even for beginners.

Carrots need very little maintenance and can thrive in a variety of environments. Since carrots grow underground, they’re a very hearty vegetable that doesn’t require too much water–great news for beginners who might be prone to forget about watering.

Since they do grow underground, carrots do require a bit more space than some vegetables and may not do quite as well in containers, especially smaller ones.


Tomatoes are another great vegetable to grow at home. Like carrots, they’re fairly hearty and can also grow well in a number of different environments.

The great thing about tomatoes is that they can be grown in very small spaces.

Many people grow tomatoes exclusively in containers. This means you can grow this vegetable just about anywhere–even if you live in an apartment or have no yard. All you need is a small space for the containers.

Tomatoes do grow on a vine, so you’ll need something to support the vines as they grow. A simple wire cage designed for growing tomatoes will really help you get started right.


If you’re new to gardening, kale is one of the easiest to grow vegetables. Kale is a really tough vegetable that can even be grown in cooler weather or climates.

Kale grows quickly too, so you don’t have to wait for months to see your first crop.

Kale takes a little more space to grow than tomatoes, so you may not be able to squeeze quite as much out of a container if your space is limited.


Cucumbers are another vegetable that’s quick and simple to grow. If you’re not careful, they can actually grow too quickly and spread out across your garden.

Because of the way they grow, you’ll need a little more space to grow cucumbers so they can spread out.

Try growing some smaller cucumbers and make pickles with your crop. But, if you prefer your cucumbers in salads or other dishes, it’s best to stick with the larger varieties.

Green Beans

It might surprise you, but green beans are actually a really simple vegetable to grow at home. Green beans grow fairly quickly and are easy to manage and harvest.

Depending on the variety of seeds you purchase, green beans may take up a little more space than other veggies, so be sure to measure and plan your space accordingly.


Want a salad fresh from the garden?

Growing lettuce is easier than you think. Some varieties can be ready in just a few weeks while taking up very little space. Other types can take a bit longer to harvest and take up more space.

Lettuce is a pretty broad category that includes a variety of veggies, so choose a variety that fits your space and tastes.


Another great vegetable for beginner gardeners is the potato.

While this starchy plant may not be the most glamorous gardening choice around, potatoes are a very healthy food that provides a solid dose of important nutrients. They’re also easy to grow in your garden.

You’ll definitely need plenty of space if you plan on growing potatoes, but each plant will produce a number of potatoes. Pick and a red or gold skinned variety for a more flavorful twist to your dishes.


This nutrient dense food is another solid choice for the beginning gardener.

Easy to grow and maintain, spinach plants can be picked regularly once their leaves have begun to come in at a decent size. This is great news for anyone looking to make a healthy addition to salads and other dishes.

Most spinach plants don’t take up a lot of space, making them a good choice for small spaces or container gardening.

Putting It All Together

Growing a garden doesn’t have to be difficult. You just need space to work in and a good selection of vegetables that meet your tastes and are easy to work with.

If you’re thinking of planting a garden, be sure to keep some of the easy to grow vegetables we covered in mind.

Check out the rest of the blog for more interesting tips and tricks to use around your home.

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