The Worst of Asbestos: 5 Insane Facts About Asbestos That’ll Seriously Freak You Out

More than 2 million tons of asbestos are consumed throughout the world every year. Despite known asbestos dangers, it’s still an extremely common thing to encounter today.

Asbestos is a group of heat-resistant, fibrous materials that were once commonly used in American construction. However, their presence is now recognized to lead to a number of deadly conditions.

Read on for our top 5 insane asbestos facts.

1. Asbestos Facts: It Can Turn Up Anywhere

According to EPA’s asbestos facts, asbestos particles can be present in a number of locations. It can be released into the water, soil, and air from the erosion of natural materials containing asbestos. It is also found in piles of wastes containing asbestos particles, in mines or factories, and from the wearing down of manmade products that contain asbestos.

The most common way humans are exposed to asbestos is through the air, but these particles are resilient and can turn up almost anywhere. It could be in your house, causing you to become sick.

Asbestos testing is highly recommended to make sure you’re not being exposed to asbestos particles.

2. It Can Cause Clubbing of the Fingers and Toes

Exposure to asbestos particles can lead to a medical condition where the skin beneath the fingernails thickens and hardens due to inefficient oxygen supply in the blood. This results in the fingertips not receiving enough blood, which causes the fingers to appear bulbous, club-like, and deformed.

If your hands or fingernails appear abnormal, it might be a sign of exposure to asbestos particles. Be sure to research asbestos facts and seek out medical attention immediately.

3. Asbestos Can Lead to Cancer

One of the greatest asbestos dangers is the possibility of contracting mesothelioma or other cancers caused by the inhalation of asbestos particles. It can take years, even decades, for these symptoms to appear, but once they do, the prognosis is grim.

Once you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, the life expectancy is only 6 to 12 months. Unfortunately, only about one-third of patients who are diagnosed with this cancer live beyond a year after that.

4. Asbestos Cannot Be Broken Down

In most organisms, asbestos is never broken down into other chemicals or otherwise metabolized by the body. That’s why repeated exposure can take up to 50 years to lead to other problems. Asbestos facts indicate that it also does not break down in water, nor will it move through the soil like other types of particles.

5. Asbestos Infection Can Have Ordinary Respiratory Symptoms

If you have a crackling cough, difficulty breathing, or a swollen face and neck, you may be dealing with much more than an upper respiratory infection.

Some of the most common symptoms of asbestos exposure can disguise themselves as symptoms of colds, flu, or other minor respiratory infections. For example, if you are experiencing extreme fatigue or chest pain, it could mean that you’re suffering from asbestos exposure. In order to stay safe from asbestos dangers, be sure to have all these symptoms immediately checked out by a medical professional.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know a few more asbestos facts, you know what to look out for. By staying protected and getting your living areas checked, you can maximize your potential for staying safe from this harmful substance.

Check out our blog for some more useful tips.

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