Which Is the Best Way to Consume CBD? Exploring Your Options

The CBD market is expected to hit $22 billion in 2022. Clearly, people are noticing the benefits CBD can offer, from their health to their mood.

With so many options to consume CBD, you may be wondering how you should take it in order to achieve your desired effects.

Read on for our guide on the best way to consume CBD.

The Best Way to Consume CBD

CBD can offer a ton of benefits, which vary in potency depending on how you take it.

The best way to consume CBD all comes down to CBD bioavailability. This refers to the proportion of CBD available in a product and the rate at which it introduces the CBD into the bloodstream.

Whether you’re taking CBD capsules, CBD drops, edibles, lotions, or any other popular consumption method, the bioavailability of CBD determines the potency of its effects as well as the amount you need to take.

Just as prescription medications contain a predetermined amount of active ingredients, different methods of CBD consumption will contain different levels of bioavailability. If you’re looking for the best way to consume CBD, look for the products with the high proportional levels of CBD bioavailability.

CBD Edibles

One of the most popular methods of CBD consumption is by administering it orally via CBD edibles. These most frequently come in the form of candies and gummies, but can also include CBD capsules as well.

If you’re looking for an immediate, potent effect, CBD edibles aren’t the best way to consume CBD. This is because the edibles need to go through the body’s digestive processes before the CBD can enter your bloodstream.

Topical CBD Products

CBD has been reported to offer localized pain relief of muscle soreness and other injuries. For these purposes, you can also get CBD in the form of lotions, balms, sprays, and even bubble bath.

Topical products are the best way to consume CBD if you’re looking for specific pain relief. However, because it is only applied externally, the other effects of CBD will be pretty minimal.

CBD Oil Drops

CBD oil can also be consumed on the tongue in the form of CBD drops. If you’re wondering how to use CBD drops, they can be applied directly to the tongue and held there for roughly a minute before swallowing what isn’t absorbed.

CBD oil drops are a highly efficient way to consume CBD because they bypass the body’s digestive system and liver, unlike CBD edibles and CBD capsules. This allows the CBD to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

CBD Vape Oil

If you’re looking for quick, efficient potency, CBD vape oil is the best way to consume CBD. That’s because vaping requires very little time for the CBD to take effect, especially when compared to CBD edibles and CBD capsules.

The CBD vape oil effects are present soon after vaping. It’s quick, convenient, and highly effective. It offers high CBD bioavailability in a simple yet potent delivery.

Final Thoughts

CBD can offer a wide variety of benefits, including pain relief, anxiety control, and general feelings of euphoria. The potency of its effects varies based on CBD bioavailability. If you’re looking for the best way to consume CBD, just look for the quickest, most direct methods of delivery.

For more useful tips, check out our blog.

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