Your Life Before Your Eyes: What to Expect from a Past Life Regression Reading

Are you having a hard time making progress in your life? Are you anxious, frustrated, or stressed out? Or, like two-thirds of Americans, are you just generally unhappy?

If you’ve tried everything to overcome these challenges and aren’t seeing improvements, you might want to consider past life regression therapy.

There are lots of benefits to this type of therapy. But, it can seem a bit scary to people who are unfamiliar with it.

Before you write off past life regression therapy altogether, it’s important to do your research.

Read on to learn more about a past life regression and what to expect during your first session.

What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past life regression therapy is a form of guided hypnosis.

Before you panic, keep in mind that many therapists utilize hypnosis to help their clients relax and get into a better state of mind.

If you decide to try a past life regression therapy session, you won’t be forced to quack like a duck or waddle like a penguin.

How Does Past Life Regression Therapy Work?

As the name of the therapy suggests, past life regression therapy is centered around the idea that we have lived many lives prior to this one and will live more lives when this one is over.

By looking back at and reliving events that happened in our past lives, we’re able to work through trauma and situations that may be affecting us now and preventing us from enjoying life as we ought to.

During a past life regression session, a therapist will help you get into a state of hypnosis known as a somnambulistic trance.

This is the deepest possible level of hypnosis. You typically only enter it a couple of times per day — the few minutes before you wake up in the morning and immediately before you fall asleep at night.

When you’re in a somnambulistic state, you’re able to relax and remember things that happened to you in past lives.

Benefits of a Past Life Regression Therapy

There are many other potential benefits one can experience when they go through a past life regression therapy session. Some of the greatest benefits include:

Let Go of Past Trauma

If you’re having a hard time making progress in your current life, it may be because you experienced some kind of trauma in a past life. You could also be held back by trauma you’ve experienced in this life and haven’t dealt with properly.

A past life regression can help you identify the traumatic events and begin to work through your feelings surrounding them.

After undergoing past life regression therapy, you will likely feel more grounded and affirmed and more capable of working through these traumatic events.

Relieve Mental and Emotional Symptoms

Past life regression can also help to free you from feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. It can also help you experience relief from more severe anxiety disorders like phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder.

When you spend time learning about and understand the events of your past, it’s easier for you to let go and move forward with your life.

There’s no need for stress and anxiety when you know where you’ve been and how capable you are of moving forward.

Gain a New Perspective on Current Challenges

If you’re having a hard time working through a current challenge — a job loss, a death in the family, or any other difficult experience — a past life regression might be just what you need.

Past life regression sessions can help you gain a new perspective on these challenges and figure out what has happened in the past that has brought you to this point.

Once you’ve acknowledged these past events, you can work on forgiving yourself and others and moving forward with your life with a better, more productive attitude.

Release Limiting Beliefs

Are limiting beliefs holding you back? Are lies you’ve told yourself (you’re not smart enough, talented enough, strong enough, brave enough, etc.) keeping you from reaching your goals and becoming a better version of yourself?

Viewing the challenges you’ve overcome in your past can help you feel more empowered and gain a sense of inner peace as you go through your current life.

Gain More Love for Self and Others

The more you learn about your past, the more love and compassion you’ll likely have for yourself and others.

When you develop a greater sense of self-love and compassion, you’ll have an easier time entering into and staying in healthy relationships.

Gaining love and compassion can also help you forgive yourself and others who have wronged you. This, in turn, makes it easier for you to move forward and live your best life.

Gain Motivation to Make Changes

Past life regression can give you the motivation you need to make changes.

Whether it’s losing weight or getting and staying clean and sober, understanding what you’ve experienced in the past can help you let go of trauma, overcome your fears, and take steps to change your life for good.

What to Expect from Past Life Regression Therapy

As you can see, there are lots of reasons to consider trying past life regression therapy.

Are you still feeling a little apprehensive about your first past life regression therapy session? That’s totally understandable.

If you’re anxious about attending your first session, keep the following pieces of information in mind.

It’ll help you feel prepared and at ease when you sit down with your therapist. This, in turn, might help you get more out of the session.

Expect to be There for a While

Your first past life regression session will typically last between two and three hours.

It takes a while for the therapist to get to know you, find out what issues you’re experiencing, and identify your goals for the session.

It also takes time for them to guide you and help you to fully relax, especially if you’re feeling nervous walking into your session.

Don’t Worry about Losing Control

Remember, entering a hypnotic state during a past life regression is not the same kind of comedic hypnosis people experience during cruise ship shows.

You’ll retain full control of your body and will remain conscious during your entire session. You will just feel more relaxed and will enter a meditative state.

Expect Questions

Once you’ve entered a somnambulistic state and are fully relaxed, your therapist will begin to talk you back into one of your past lives.

In order to do this, you’ll have to make some choices. Your therapist might ask you to imagine yourself in a corridor facing several different doors. You’ll choose a door and then step into one of your past lives.

Your therapist will also need to ask you some questions to help you figure out where you are and what you’ve experienced.

They might ask you what you see or hear. They might ask if there are other people around you, what you’re doing, or how you’re dressed. You’ll also likely have to explain the emotions you’re experiencing in that state.

All of these questions will help you piece together your past life and figure out who you were and what happened to you at that time.

You’ll Relive Past Trauma in a Safe Way

Many people are worried about past life regression therapy because they’re afraid of re-experiencing traumatic events. It’s true that you will have to confront the traumas of your past. But, you won’t feel that trauma.

You won’t experience pain, fear, or other negative emotions. You will observe them from a safe and objective place instead.

By viewing your traumas in this way, you’re able to gain a new understanding. It can also help you realize that life is continuous. This can be very powerful for people who are struggling with fear, regret, and/or limiting beliefs.

It’s Okay to be Emotional

When you’re coming out of a somnambulistic state, it’s normal to feel emotional. You may cry, and that’s perfectly okay.

A past life regression is a profound experience, and many people feel a great sense of relief and empowerment when it’s over.

Don’t try to suppress your emotions. Give yourself permission to feel them and then move on with your life.

You May be Given Homework

Some people find that just one past life regression session is sufficient for helping them overcome their struggles and make changes in their present life.

At the same time, though, some want to dive deeper into their past and learn more about themselves.

If you choose to continue with additional sessions, your therapist will likely give you homework.

This homework might involve journaling or evaluating and writing about your dreams. It can help you dig deeper into your past and get more out of your future sessions.

Want to Learn More?

Now that you know more about what a past life regression is and what to expect from them, are you interested in giving one a try?

You may be a bit apprehensive about trying something new. But, it might be exactly what you need to move forward and start living your best life.

Are you interested in learning more tips to help you clear trauma, let go of baggage, and experience great personal growth?

Check out this article for advice on the steps you can take to dramatically improve your life.

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