10 Tips for Setting Realistic, SMART Health Goals

healthy vegetables in basket

Everyone wants to live their best life. That means being as healthy and happy as possible. The first step on the path to self-improvement is to set goals that will get you where you want to go.

Do you tend to have trouble setting goals? If so, you’re definitely not alone. And yet goals create a framework for success. 

More and more people are discovering the benefits of using the SMART system for setting health goals and achieving their dreams. SMART stands for, Smart, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-framed.

This article takes a look at effective ways to achieve your health and workout goals that will increase the odds of success. Keep reading to see tips that can help improve your life. 

1. Eat at Home

You live a busy and hectic life. Join the club. No matter who you are or where you live, everyone has a lot going on. That’s simply a reality of life. It also means that you might be tempted to follow the path of least resistance, which often translates to eating out on a regular basis and consuming a lot of fast food.

One of the major problems with eating out is the temptation to throw healthy eating habits out the window. You will likely end up choosing meals with more calories, large portions, and fewer health benefits.

Cooking at home gives you more control over the quality and portion size of your food. So make an effort to stay home and make meals that will be both nutritious and delicious.

2. Eat More Vegetables

Next, try to make an effort to eat more vegetables. After all, veggies are your friends.

Focus on cooking meals that contain veggies that are rich in the types of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs, and that will contribute better fuel for energy and good health.

Quality veggies taste great and will have a significant impact on the way you feel and how your body looks.

3. Increase Your Fiber Intake

It’s also a smart idea to add some fiber to your diet. Consider experimenting with foods such as whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread rather than white pasta, white rice, or white bread. This is a small change that will produce significant results.

Here are some great workout tips that will give you an edge as you take your fitness goals to the next level.

4. Experiment With Meatless Meals

The simple truth of healthy living is that the more meat you can eliminate from your diet, the better. Keep in mind that not all meats are necessarily unhealthy, but it’s important to be specific about your choices.

When it comes to meats that will best promote a healthy diet, always go with chicken and fish over red meat.

And yet ultimately, a meatless diet is the healthiest option. Fortunately, there are tons of delicious meatless dishes that will keep you healthy and happy without sacrificing flavor.

Experiment with a variety of recipes, discover what you like best, and continue to discover ways to spice up dishes that will add to your healthy lifestyle rather than your waistline.

5. Limit Alcohol & Eliminate Soda

It should come as no surprise that most forms of alcohol and soda are unhealthy. A glass of wine a few times a week can encourage heart health, but the rest is decidedly not going to help you reach your fitness goals. And let’s not even talk about sugary sodas.

If you’re serious about getting healthy and achieving your weight-loss goals, you’ll need to make some tough choices, which means limiting or eliminating the types of things you drink.

Ultimately, this is a small sacrifice for the results that you’ll enjoy in the long run.

6. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Many people skip breakfast as a way of limiting the number of calories they consume each day. This sounds logical on the surface, and yet not so fast.

The truth is that your body needs a certain amount of energy to start the day off right. Fueling your body with foods such as whole grains, veggies, and fruit can help give you an energy boost at work or school and lower the odds of a major energy drop early in the afternoon.

The key is to be smart about your food choices while also making sure that you have adequate energy for being productive.

7. Bring Lunch From Home

Lunch is another area where many people make mistakes. It’s easy to grab something on the go that’s full of calories, fat, and other ingredients that won’t contribute to your health goals.

The simplest solution is to bring lunch from home. Yes, that means brown-bagging it. Prep your lunch the night before, stick in the fridge and then grab it on the way out the door as you head for work in the morning.

This might seem like a headache and one more thing to do, but it will help you stay on track and give you more control of the food you eat when you’re away from the house.

8. Choose Healthier Snacks

Snacking is a fast way to sabotage yourself. The secret to healthy snacking is, once again, bring your snacks from home. Slice veggies are a great idea, as are walnuts. Just be sure to stay away from chips and other foods that are heavy in carbs.

9. Focus on Meal Prep

Never underestimate the importance of good meal prep. This means buying quality ingredients and being aware of everything you add to a meal. Take the time to pay attention, and learn to enjoy the process rather than viewing it as simply another chore. In other words, learn to love your food and your food with love you back.

10. Cook Healthier at Home

Once you’ve made the decision to stay home for dinner, don’t take shortcuts like tossing a frozen pizza in the oven or ordering for delivery. You have goals, and these goals require discipline and SMART choices. Remember, healthy eating starts with one meal at a time.

SMART Tips for Your Health Goals

Health goals are important for becoming your best self. Fortunately, the tips contained here can help get you started in the right direction.

Keep scrolling to see more great lifestyle tips and advice.

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