3 Tips for New Moms Who Need to Pump at Work

When you’re a new mom that is getting back to work from maternity leave, there are some adjustments that must be made. For starters, you will have to consider some strategies that will help you pump your breastmilk. 

This will help you to stay consistent with your routine, while also getting comfortable back at work. Here’s how you can pump at work without a problem. 

1. Find Out the Law and What Jobs are Required to Provide

Before anything else, it’s important to know your rights. In the United States, Federal law requires your job to give you reasonable breaks so that you can make time for pumping. 

They may also be required to provide a private area for you to be able to pump as you please. They’re not allowed to discipline you or otherwise make it difficult for you to nurse. Once you know your rights, you’ll be better able to do what’s necessary. 

2. Purchase Excellent Pump Equipment That Works for You

You will have a better experience at work when you have the equipment that is the most useful. Look into breast pumps that will work best for you. 

Find a top-of-the-line pump that will let you easily extract milk. You should try the pump out several times on your own so that you don’t have to worry about struggling with it when you’re on the clock. 

Going back to work after having a baby can already be a whirlwind. You’re jumping back into the mix of things after spending a few months with your new bundle of joy, and might be conflicted emotionally. 

Purchasing an excellent pump, and keeping it sterilized, packed up, and ready to go will scratch off one controllable variable as you make this transition. 

3. Help Yourself Get Comfortable With the Process

Keep in mind that learning to pump takes time. Each time you pump, try your best to stay calm and relaxed. 

When you’re a new mom, your body becomes accustomed to breastfeeding on a set schedule. Your baby will need to nurse every 2 or 3 hours or so, and taking the time to pump will keep you on that schedule. 

When you use the breastfeeding area, make sure that you have a comfortable seating area, and that you figure out which position is best for you. That way, the process will go as smoothly as possible, and you’ll always be able to get the most from each pump. 

Learn How to Pump at Work 

When you’re a mother trying to learn how to pump at work, the tips in this article will be useful to you. Consider this a big part of your transition so that you’re able to get back into your regular life without setbacks. 

Not only will you feel more capable as a mom, but you’ll also be better able to contribute to your company during workdays. We’ve also got you covered when you need any other words of advice. 

Come back to us to learn more about family, relationships, and more. 

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