4 Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush: Make Brushing Fun

Over a quarter of American adults suffer from some sort of untreated tooth decay. Are you doing all you can to guard your dental health?

You brush twice a day and floss often. Is that enough to keep serious problems with your teeth and gums at bay?

Have you ever considered an electric toothbrush? They’re becoming more and more popular with market growth expected to grow by 8% in the next few years.

If you’ve ever wondered what one can do for you and your teeth, we’ve got answers. Here are four great benefits of an electric toothbrush that you need to know.

1. Manual vs Electric Toothbrush

The first thing you probably want to know is if electric toothbrushes are better than your regular manual one. The easy answer is yes.

It’s been proven that electric brushes get rid of plaque and reduce gingivitis better than manual brushes. If you want to focus on improving your oral health, go electric.

One pro that regular toothbrushes have is that they’re cheaper to replace. Your good health, however, doesn’t have a price tag.

2. Easier to Use

Electric toothbrushes are easier to use than regular manual brushes, too. Their rotating heads do most of the work for you.

This is especially great news for people with limited dexterity. Those that suffer from arthritis or other painful conditions or kids who are just starting to master brushing their teeth are perfect candidates for electric brushes.

3. Do it Right

We know we should take our time brushing our teeth. However, we’re not always as consistent or thorough as we should be.

Many electric toothbrushes take the guesswork out of how long you need to focus on brushing. They often have a timer that tells you how long you need to brush a certain area of your mouth to get a good, deep clean.

Even with an electric toothbrush, it’s always good to double check with a dental professional.

4. Make it Fun

You can go beyond just a timer to make brushing your teeth a little more fun and enjoyable. Add a Bluetooth connection and you can listen to your favorite music while you brush.

This is especially great for kids because they often want to rush brushing their teeth. This way, they hear an entire song while they brush.

Electric toothbrushes come in lots of fun colors and interesting designs, too. There’s no need to ever go back to boring manual toothbrushes ever again!

The Amazing Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

Don’t settle for basic brushing. Upgrade to an electric toothbrush and your teeth and gums will thank you.

There are many amazing benefits of an electric toothbrush. They brush better, they’re fun, they’re easy to use, and they ensure you’re using the right technique when you’re brushing your teeth.

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