5 Questions to Ask When Meeting Marriage Counselors

People don’t tell you at the wedding is that marriage is difficult. Having problems doesn’t mean you don’t love your spouse; marriage is difficult for everyone.

Some issues couples can resolve on their own, and others require the services of marriage counselors. Seeing a counselor is a great way of maintaining a marriage, whether you’re going through a rough patch or not.

Finding the right marriage counselor is critical to the success of therapy. Here are five questions you should ask during the initial meeting.

1. What Type of Therapy Do You Employ?

There is no one size fits all therapy treatment for anything, especially not marriage counseling. People respond best to different therapeutic treatments, and there can even be a difference within couples.

Be sure to ask your therapist what type of therapy they employ and have them explain what that looks like. There are emotionally-focused, solution-focused, or other therapy options. But the best option is one that works for you.

2. What Is Your Professional Background?

Not every therapist has the same degree or professional background. Even therapists that work with couples within the same practice may have chosen different paths to get there.

You can talk to your counselor about their educational and professional background to get an idea of how they will approach therapy.

Your marriage counselor may be a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a family and marriage therapist. All three can work with you through marriage issues, though their treatment methods may differ.

3. Have You Had Similar Couples Before?

If there are specific issues in your marriage like infidelity, anger management, or alcohol or drug addiction or dependency, you want to be sure that your therapist is equipped to handle them.

Similarly, if you have other mental health diagnoses, be sure that your marriage counselor has treatment experience. The relationship with your spouse is unique, but most couples often share the big picture issues.

4. How Long Does Therapy Take?

You may wonder how long the entire process will take. But, as said before, there isn’t a one size fits all therapy for all couples. And though therapists have many skills, they can’t see the future.

The fact is, how long you’re in therapy will depend on you and your spouse, as well as the professional opinion of your therapist. Some couples may only need a few weeks’ commitment; others could see a therapist for months or years.

5. What to Expect From Therapy?

The unknowns of therapy can be frightening for many people. It may reduce some anxiety for you and your spouse to have an idea of what to expect from your therapy sessions and all the benefits of seeing a counselor.

This source will help you better understand the benefits of relationship counseling.

Ask your therapist what goals will they set for you and your partner? How are the sessions be structured? Getting all your questions about therapy answered will help you go into your first session with a mindset of success.

Finding Relationship Success with Marriage Counselors

Unfortunately, there is a stigma around counseling and therapy. People believe that seeing marriage counselors means that there’s something wrong with them or the relationship.

But that’s not true; it just means something isn’t working. Seeing a marriage counselor can help you maintain a successful marriage. Asking these questions of your therapist ensures you’ll have a successful therapy session.

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