5 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Day Job and Pursue Your Dreams

We all have dreams. But despite the fact that over half the workforce feels dissatisfied with their job, few of us have the courage to step out of our comfort zones and seek what we really want.

Instead, most of us waste our lives waiting for the right moment or the perfect sign telling us to pursue our dream career.

Well, wait no further. Here are five signs it’s time to quit your day job and pursue your dreams.

1. Your Current Job Doesn’t Suit Your Skillset

Let’s say you’re a talented graphic designer. You’re a whiz at Photoshop and you have a whole portfolio of projects that no one has ever seen.

But when it comes to paying the bills, you don’t have a job that lets you harness your creative energies.

Part of that’s understandable, we don’t always get the jobs we want. But if you’re underutilized or mismanaged, both yourself and your employer is missing out.

2. You Can’t See Yourself At Your Current Job In Five Years

Think about where you’d like to be five years from today. Now take a deep breath and close your eyes, allowing yourself to envision your dream come true.

What came to mind?

If it had nothing to do with your current career, it’s time to go after your dreams. You don’t need to quit this moment, but you will want to start coming up with an exit plan.

Until you find the courage needed to pursue your goals, you’ll end up wasting your potential.

3. You’re Already Making Money From Your Dreams

A lot of people incorporate interests into their hobbies. Maybe they do a little side work on the weekends to make some secondary or passive income.

If you’re talented enough that you’re already making a good bit of money from your passion, you’d do well to chase your dreams full-time.

Start thinking of how you can turn those side gigs into full-time roles.

4. You’re Financially Stable

Money is by far the biggest reason why people can’t pursue their dreams. We have bills to pay. How can we go after what we love if we’re stuck in a dead-end job for 40 hours a week?

And that brings up some good points. Look into your options.

If need be, consider a loan. Or take a small amount of each paycheck and deposit it into savings. Over time it’ll add up and you’ll start to have that financial security that hindered you before.

5. You Have A Plan

Perhaps you’ve thought out every aspect of how you’d pursue your dreams. You have all the details but need a bit of help getting things kickstarted.

Do it. Execute that plan and take the first step toward your dreams today.

The mere fact that you’ve spent the time necessary to plan out your dream pursuit means that you really do want it.

You can even reach out to a life coach or entrepreneur.  Some people specialize in helping others reach for their dreams. You just have to take the first step and ask for their advice.

Have courage, it’ll pay off in the end.

There’s No Time Like The Present: Pursue Your Dreams

It may not be easy, but following your dreams is more fulfilling than you even know.

Take a deep breath, because today is the first day of the rest of your life. Now go out there and pursue your dreams! We’re rooting for you.

And don’t forget to check out our other posts for more great info to help you live your best life.

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