5 Surprising Uses for Hemp Oil and CBD That You Never Thought Of

If the cannabis market continues to expand at its current rate, it will be worth $20 billion by next year. The boom is happening in part due to the changes in the law regarding cannabis in some states, but also because many people are becoming aware of the many health benefits associated with its use. The hemp plant has played an important part in human history and these uses for hemp oil only add to that. Here is our list of five uses for hemp oil which you might not have heard about.

Surprising Uses for Hemp Oil

You may have heard of people taking hemp oil because it contains fatty acids helpful for brain function. Perhaps you have a friend who has used it to help with anxiety or depression. These are the hemp oil uses that most people have heard of, here are some less common CBD oil uses.

1. Massage

Popular hemp CBD oil uses include pain relief, as it contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. Taken internally, this can help with conditions such as arthritis, but you can also add some to your massage oil to feel the benefit of the hemp oil effects. Whether you are recovering from injury, or just looking for a blend that will help you recover more quickly from exercise, hemp oil is worth considering.

2. Facial Treatment

Using facial oils as part of your skin care routine is becoming more popular because oils help to seal in natural moisture and make your skincare products more effective. One of the different CBD oil uses is to use it as a facial oil. The anti-inflammatory properties will be helpful if you suffer from acne, and the antioxidants will help delay the signs of aging.

3. Treating Your Pets

The benefits of CBD oil aren’t just for humans, they can also help our pets! If you have a cat or dog who has anxiety issues or just needs a boost from the healthy fats that hemp oil contains, then you could consider adding some to their food. Some users have even found that hemp oil can help deal with the side effects of cancer treatment.

4. Walking in Heels

There’s no doubt that walking in high heels can be a painful experience. While we might like the way they look, they can lead to irreversible damage to tendons and pain the foot and leg. Reportedly, actress Mandy Moore was told one of the more unusual hemp CBD oil uses; helping relieve the pain of those high heels!

5. Smoother Coffee

Are you the sort of person who gets twitchy after a cup of coffee? If you are, then you might consider adding a drop of CBD oil to your brew. The flavors complement perfectly, and the soothing effect of the hemp oil helps with the jitters.

Harness the Hemp Boost

One question that is commonly asked is, ‘Does CBD oil give you a buzz?’ The answer is no. It is the THC in cannabis which creates the ‘high’ and there is not enough of that present in CBD oil to have the same effect. You can enjoy the benefits of hemp oil without worrying about your safety.

If you’re interested in learning more about hemp’s sister plant, Marijuana, then read this article!

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