7 Tips on Choosing Safe Cleaning Products for Homeowners

Nearly 80% of people participate in spring cleaning, but the good news is that you don’t have to wait until spring to get a sparkling home. 

Safe cleaning products are a must-have when it comes to cleaning around your home or office. But are the products that you’re using really safe? 

Some chemicals are dangerous when mishandled, causing headaches or skin reactions. It’s important when you begin the cleaning regimen that you do so with the utmost regard for you and your family’s safety. 

In this article, you’ll learn 7 tips for choosing non-toxic cleaning products to keep you and your family safe during cleaning. 

1. Read the Instructions and Ingredients

Before you start any cleaning, you need to read the instructions for using the product. All cleaning products should have a label with clear instructions for using the product safely, so no one gets hurt or poisoned. 

Of course, you’ll want to keep all products out of the reach of children. Some cleaning products are not to be used together, like ammonia and bleach. Always use the product as intended. 

Reading the ingredients is another first step. If you notice an ingredient in the cleaner that you think is harmful to your family’s health, don’t use it! Opt for something safer or greener to clean your home. 

Some toxic ingredients you need to be aware of are:

  • Petroleum
  • Phosphates
  • Phthalates or fragrances
  • Bleach (use responsibly!)
  • Ethoxylates
  • Sulfates
  • Parabens
  • Dyes

These are some of the main irritants that could cause problems during your clean. If you can, try to avoid products that contain an abundance of these ingredients. 

2. Wear Protective Gear

If you are going to be working with chemicals, you need to wear the proper protective gear. Sometimes, despite how careful you are, products may splash on your skin or get in your eyes, which can be incredibly dangerous. 

To protect yourself, stock up on some cleaning gear such as rubber gloves, eye masks, or even a mask to avoid inhaling cleaner. Even with products labeled “non-toxic,” you still need to take precautions. 

3. Check the EPA Website

Some ingredients listed on the bottle may be safe and harmful to the environment, or you don’t know what they are or if they’re toxic to humans. This is where the Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) comes in handy. 

The EPA’s website offers a list of safe chemicals and offers you information on these chemicals and how to protect yourself. Click through the website and familiarize yourself with these chemicals. This will give you the confidence to choose products that don’t contain harmful substances. 

4. Ventilation

While protective gear is important to wear while cleaning, you’ll also need to make sure your space is properly ventilated. This is especially true when cleaning small spaces like bathrooms. 

The chemical fumes (if you’re using chemicals!) quickly fill the air, and without ventilation, you’re subjecting yourself to those fumes and damaging your lungs and other internal organs. Always ventilate the area as best as possible and take a break if you need to. 

5. Consider DIY

Reading instructions and labels can go a long way in keeping you safe from chemicals and other irritants. However, some people like to make their own cleaning products with ingredients they have in their own homes!

One of the perks of DIY cleaners is that you know exactly what’s in them and how much. And, you can make them with products you likely already have in your home. 

Here are some possible ingredients you may use:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon peel
  • Essential oils
  • Borax
  • Castile Soap
  • Washing soda
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Dishwashing detergent

Don’t be fooled. Just because you’re making your own cleaning products doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for reading ingredients. It’s essential to know how these ingredients safely work together, so always do your research before starting any DIY cleaning products. 

6. Budget

Surprisingly, some eco-friendly cleaning products can be incredibly pricey. A can of wipes can easily cost you between $8-10! They contain more natural ingredients, but that doesn’t mean they’re great for your budget, especially if you have a lot to clean.

Having a cleaning product budget will help your wallet stay full and your home germ-free. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get a clean home. Watch for prices and, of course, ingredients, and you can stock up on products that are safe and effective. 

The great news is that you can buy online and save money and a trip to the store. Buying cleaning products online is simple, especially with a company like Ottsafetygear.com

7. Be Aware of Cleaning Lingo 

Non-toxic, natural, safe. These are all words or phrases that describe cleaning products. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are! 

When choosing to use a cleaning product, your best bet is to evaluate the ingredients and determine if the products are truly non-toxic. You can always research the ingredients yourself to see if you need to be concerned. And always follow directions no matter what!

Safe Cleaning Products are for You!

When it comes to safe cleaning products, you need to know what you can use, how, and why it’s important. Going to the extra step by checking ingredients, websites and doing a little bit of research will keep everyone in your home safe, healthy, and happy. 

Do you want to learn more about how to clean effectively? We’ve got you covered! Our website has more cleaning tips available for you to check out!

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