8 Pregnancy Photo Poses for a Stunning Maternity Shoot

Maternity Shoot

In 2012, there were 213.4 million women who were pregnant around the world. 

If you find yourself as one of those pregnant women, you might be considered a pregnancy photoshoot. But are you stuck on what pregnancy photo poses to do? 

Thankfully, we have the best pregnancy photo pose ideas here, so keep reading to find out how to make yours unique!

1. Mom Alone

During the pregnancy photo shoot, one of the most popular types of the pose is just with the mom-to-be alone. While having the couple together is important, you should also get some of the mother and child relationship. 

The mom can be embracing her bump, but it should look meaningful and tender. 

You should pose in a flattering way to help create more warmth and depth and really highlight your belly. The best angle for this is at a 45-degree angle away from you. This angle can work even if the baby bump is small!

To make the photos look even more natural, you can talk to the baby or even rub your stomach. This might feel awkward, but you may find yourself smiling down at your baby bump, which will show up naturally in the photography. 

2. Flowing Dress

Another popular trend in pregnancy photos is those with a flowing dress. Try and find a dress that has a really long trail. When you have the right gust of wind, it can sweep it up to create a powerful and beautiful image.

If you have a good photographer, it can make it look like you have mom superpowers, which you do! 

To get the flying dress without any wind, you can have someone throw the material up in the air and then run out of the scene. Your photographer may have to do a little bit of photoshopping to get the image, but it’ll be worth it. 

3. Natural Poses

Throughout all of the photos, make sure that you try and focus on natural poses. For example, don’t tilt your head at a weird angle that you would never tilt it at. Some of the angles may even make you look like you have a double chin.

Also, don’t be afraid to make eye contact with the photographer and smile every now and then. This is a classic shot, and you’ll be happy that you made time to get that one as well. 

4. Partner and the Belly

You don’t want to exclude the partner from the photoshoot though! Even if your belly is the focal point, you should incorporate the partner as well.

They could kneel and get close to the belly and possibly even put both hands on each side of the belly. To make the shots more natural, they can also talk to the belly as well. 

You could also hold hands with your partner and stare into each other’s eyes with your belly in between you. You could also have another photo in that pose where the partner is looking at your belly. 

However, if the partner has any special pose that they want to do, make sure to let them do that as well!

5. Focus on the Gold Light

If you time your pregnancy photo shoot perfectly, you could get the golden hour of sunset. 

This is right before sunset, but before it sets, the sun covers everything in the golden glow. This can add to your pregnancy glow and make you look angelic.

If you want to capitalize on that, you could even choose outfits that have gold, brown, or neutral tones. If you wear pale white, this may reflect some of the light off of you to make it look even more like you’re glowing!

6. Silhouettes

If you aren’t comfortable with your body and all of the imperfections that you can’t help but notice, you may want to opt for a silhouette pose! These are easy to create, and they will highlight the shape of your body and the belly will pop up. 

Some women feel comfortable standing, but if you are tired or want to sit, this could work as well!

You also don’t have to worry about your facial expression, which can help you relax during the session. If you want to add your partner into the silhouette, that could be a great option as well.  

7. Floral Dress and Crown

If you want to do a flowy photo pose, you may want to bring an outfit change to do a floral theme as well. Floral headdresses and dresses are becoming very popular both in photography and fashion. 

They can help to add a bohemian, whimsical, or vintage style to your photos. 

You can either make your own flower crown, or you could also find all kinds of options on Etsy!

8. Include Other Children

If you have other children, you should include them. They’ll definitely appreciate it later when they grow older with their siblings. 

You can incorporate all kinds of props, like toys or signs where you list out the names of the siblings or some funny pun about their soon-to-be sibling!

Discover More of the Best Pregnancy Photo Poses

These are only a few of the best pregnancy photo poses, but there are many more of them out there!

We know that dealing with pregnancy can be difficult and overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. We’re here to help you out. 

If you enjoyed this article, make sure that you explore our website to find more articles just like this one. 

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