Alcohol in the Body: 5 Serious Side-Effects of Drinking That You Need to Know…

Do you think that a hangover is the only side-effect of drinking alcohol?

Alcohol in the body has more far-reaching effects than this, and many of them can cause serious health problems. For instance, the number of deaths related to liver failure totaled 78,529. Alcohol was responsible for 49.5% of those.

While genes can play a role in alcoholism, every person is different, so alcohol may not react to everyone the same way. However, there are some common problems that you can look out for.

Keep reading below to see some of the effects of alcohol on the body.

1. Liver Damage

According to research done on the impact of alcohol on the liver, three types of liver disease are the result of alcohol abuse.

  • Fatty liver is the first of these health problems. This inflammation of the liver can lead to death if not treated.
  • Alcohol Hepatitis is the result of inflammation, degeneration, fibrosis, and other liver cell changes. 40% of severe cases lead to death.
  • Alcohol Cirrhosis is the most severe liver problems. When this happens, scar tissue will replace normal tissue, which disrupts normal blood flow in the liver.

These are all serious issues so make sure you learn how to stop drinking as it will lead to more problems with the rest of your body.

2. Potential Brain Damage

Problems with the liver can cause issues with other parts of the body. In some instances, you may see brain damage from your drinking.

The liver provides vital nutrients to all parts of your body. When the brain doesn’t get these, then it can’t function properly.

The liver also removes toxins from the blood which go to the brain. Even though the brain can remove some toxins, those that get there through the bloodstream are harder to remove and will get there if not handled by the liver.

3. An Increased Cancer Risk

A study done in 2009 says that 3.5% of cancer deaths in the United States was alcohol-related.

The following are the types of cancer known to result from alcohol:

  • Head and neck cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

So why does alcohol does do this? A significant reason for this is the breakdown and metabolization of ethanol, one of the vital ingredients of alcohol. Unfortunately, it is also a toxic chemical that can damage human DNA.

4. Will Your Diabetes Risk Increase

In some circumstances, alcohol can also increase your risk of diabetes.

In a 20 year study, researchers found that moderate alcohol consumption reduced the chance. This wasn’t the case in every situation though.

For women who binge drink heavily, their risk increased. This is a case of alcohol effects being different across demographics. 

5. Malnutrition With Alcohol in the Body

If you drink heavily, then alcohol can significantly impact how your body reacts to food. Here are some of the problems to be aware of:

  • Alcohol is empty calories, so it leads to overeating.
  • The body doesn’t see alcohol as anything different, so it signals to the body that your food intake is sufficient. This can lead to not eating what you should.
  • Alcohol can cause inflammation on the gut wall, which may cause your food not to be digested properly.

It is vital to watch your diet when you drink. Otherwise, you will find that you are missing out on the nutrients that make you healthy.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Alcohol is a part of life for many people. If you don’t moderate it, then you can end up with serious issues.

Alcohol in the body should never go unnoticed. Read more here about tips to keep sober and addiction free.



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