Back Conditions: 5 Key Reasons Why Your Back Hurts

Is back pain getting you down? Narrowing down the reason for your bad back conditions is the first step to finding the right solution to fix it and get you feeling better faster.

Want to know more about the common reason why your back is hurting? Keep reading to narrow down the problems!

1. Poor Posture

The first and more noticeable reason for bad back conditions and pain is poor posture. 

Those who have issues with standing up straight and are hunched over put more stress on their lower and upper back in order to keep them balanced. Hunched backs can be because of a variety of symptoms like scoliosis, age-related kyphosis, and sometimes just untrained posture.

2. Sedentary Job Without Ergonomics in Mind

With the new normal being work-from-home for a lot of people, ergonomic setups aren’t top of mind.

Most workplaces take into account ergonomics for employees so that they aren’t straining any body parts but nowadays people that don’t have a home office set up are working from their dining room tables. 

This is great for saving money on getting office furniture but it’s havoc on your back and spine leaving you with lower and even upper back conditions. Getting an ergonomic setup has a lot of benefits that include reducing back pain and helping your posture.

3. Straining 

Training in the gym and even lifting heavy items on a regular basis can put added strain on your spine, joints, and muscles which lead to developing back conditions.

Making sure you’re lifting items properly with your knees while supporting your back and taking enough breaks can help you in reducing back pain. If you’re experience pain while lifting things, you are probably not lifting it properly and should ask someone for support to check your lifting form.

4. Tech-Neck

‘Tech-neck’ is a new term to describe cell phone users who constantly have their heads down to scroll on their phones. This position makes the head and neck lean forward and usually causes a bump on the back of your neck as well as bad upper back conditions.

The first step in answering how to get rid of upper back pain that results from tech-neck is to make sure you’re not leaning your head down to use your phone and try to keep close to eye level to avoid neck and upper back strain.

5. The Wrong Shoes

Did you know that the wrong footwear can cause bad back conditions?

Improper shoes, problems in the way you walk, and feet conditions like flat feet can lead to back pain in the long run. Walking puts a strain on your knees, which in turn strains your hips which strains your back leading to lower back problems. 

Make sure you have the right shoes for your feet to avoid problems.

Taking Control of Your Back Conditions

Just because your back had been in pain for a while doesn’t mean it’s forever. Getting to the bottom of your bad back conditions can help you to determine the right steps in fixing the issue. Make sure to talk to your doctor before starting any regimes or exercises to rule out any medical conditions that are the reason for your back pain.

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