Category: Travel

German Girl Sick of Rent Decides To Live On Trains

Most of us have been there at some point of our lives, paying expensive rents to fat cat landlords that don’t give a damn. Well a German student named Leonie Muller has decided to escape the ordeal of renting an apartment and has opted for something all together different. She is living permanently on trains […]

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The Perfect Shot – That Nearly Killed The Photographer

There is no denying that the above shot is incredible. However, in order to capture it Pakistani photographer Atif Saeed put himself within a (big) cat’s whisker of being killed. It all happened in a Lahore Safari Park back in 2012. During a drive through the park Saeed spotted a lion a short distance away. It was […]

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The Abandoned Border Crossings Of Europe

The 90’s was an incredible decade for Europe. First came the fall of the Berlin Wall followed closely by the end of the Soviet Union and the boundaries of the Iron Curtain. The people of Europe could move through their continent more freely than ever before. However, border crossings were still necessary. This changed in […]

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The Mud Volcano That Buried A Village

On the southern edge of Trinidad’s Central Range lies a small village called Piparo. Unknown to many, the village was the site of a freak natural disaster back in February 1997. With precious little warning to those that lived there, a hugely destructive mud volcano eruption destroyed everything in its path. Thankfully, the majority of the […]

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