Command a Room: 5 Tips for Becoming a Better Public Speaker

how to get better at public speaking

So, you recently find out your supervisor wants you to give a presentation at a corporate event next month. How do you react?

Do you think to yourself, “It’s about time, I got this!” or do you panic?

Most people choose the latter. Public speaking is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences you can have. In fact, 75% of the population has a fear of public speaking.

Barbra Streisand has paralyzing stage fright and she’s Barbra Streisand.

So, how do you overcome the anxiety and hit your presentation out of the ballpark? We’ve got five tips on how to get better at public speaking that work for any industry.

How to Get Better at Public Speaking

It’s amazing how some people are natural public speakers, while so many others are afraid of it. But not all charismatic, engaging speakers are naturals. Some of them worked pretty hard to hone their public speaking skills.

You can be one of them!

Confidence is a key when you’re facing any sized audience. You gain confidence by practicing. But there are some other factors you need to know about how to be a good public speaker that will have your audience hanging on every word.

Attend a Workshop

There are tons of workshops on how to become a good public speaker. But there are also workshops given by top entrepreneurs that you can watch and emulate.

If you don’t have enough time to attend a workshop, pick up a book or video of a public speaker and life coach. Sign up for a coaching blog.

For instance, James Arthur Ray is a best-selling author, life coach, and leadership advisor. Not only can you learn how to become a better public speaker, you can learn about becoming a better leader, too.

Know Your Audience

Tailor your speech or presentation to your audience. Lighten up the room with some jokes about your industry. Avoid at all costs inappropriate language or poking fun at the company’s brass though.

Engage your audience with questions. Use their names when you respond. If you grab their attention, don’t let it go.

In other words, make eye contact and smile.

Use Tools

PowerPoint is becoming a staple for presentations but make yours stand out. Make your presentation entertaining and captivating. In simple terms, don’t be boring!

Move Around

Nervous energy is good energy. It’s your body reacting to stimuli that you can use to your advantage. Good stress makes you think clearer and be more efficient.

Channel that energy by projecting your voice and moving around. Try to avoid pacing or moving your hands too much. Your audience will get distracted.

But, work the stage. Moving from one side to the other, stopping at points along the way. You’ll address different sections instead of only the front and center crowd, which engages more people.

Practice Makes Perfect

After you write your speech, set up a camera and record yourself then go back and watch. Do you use crutch phrases and filler words?

Words like “Umm,” “uh,” and “like” are fillers. Crutch phrases are words you use in repetition that have no value. “You know,” “actually,” and “however” are comfortable go-to’s for many people.

Everyone has them, but try to limit the use of them when you’re speaking in front of an audience. They’ll pick up on them more than you realize. You did only after watching yourself, didn’t you?

Get Interesting

Knowing how to get better at public speaking is a must if you want to get ahead in your career. Make sure you dress to impress and articulate your words. Channel your nervous energy and look your audience in the eye.

For other interesting and useful tips check out our blog.

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