COVID-19: Face Mask or No Face Mask? Reasons Everyone Should Wear a Face Mask to Defeat COVID-19

Did you know that the coronavirus pandemic has over one-third of the population around the world under lockdown?

Unlike the common flu, little is known about this virus and how it spreads. This is why there’s a lot of fear and uncertainty surrounding the face mask or no face mask debate.

Is an American wearing a mask safer than one who isn’t? Keep reading to learn more about the most current research.

The Data on Wearing Face Masks

What’s most startling about this virus is how contagious it is. Many countries have reported cases of spread even before people start showing symptoms. This means that asymptomatic people could be superspreaders.

Many Asian countries who have taken mandatory face mask steps have seen lower numbers in cases. For example, even though Hong Kong is home to 7.5 million people cramped on a small island, they only have a little over a thousand cases. The two driving theories behind the low cases are that Hong Kong encourages everyone to wear a mask and they’ve conducted lots of early testing.

Since there’s still a lot that we don’t know about the virus, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to wearing a mask. If everyone wore a mask, it would help prevent virus particles from entering the air others share.

What Face Mask Should I Use?

As a general rule of thumb, most people can get away with wearing a standard surgical mask. These masks aren’t the best at filtering germs, but they are great barriers for what you exhale. The more people wear surgical masks, the fewer virus particles get into the air.

If you’re someone who’s older or has preexisting health concerns, wearing an N95 mask can help give you more peace of mind in public. These masks have much stronger filters, which means you can reduce your chances of inhaling the virus. If you need help figuring out where to get N95 masks, the good news is that plenty of companies like Paragon Tools are able to provide many people with the protective gear they need.

Learning How to Wear a Mask Is Crucial for Slowing the Spread

Whether you live in a state that requires the use of face masks or you want to help slow the spread, it’s important to learn how to wear a mask. Many people put the mask on upside down or they touch the mask with unwashed hands. This guide can help you understand the basics so you don’t accidentally infect yourself when trying to wear a mask.

Face Mask or No Face Mask? Now You Know the Important Facts

Now that you know the current research on wearing surgical masks in America, you can figure out which precautions you should take to help keep you and your loved ones safe. If you have no face mask to wear during this shortage, there are plenty of guides online that can help you make your own out of old t-shirts and scrap fabrics.

Do you want to learn other ways you can stay healthy during the lockdown? Explore our site to find more helpful wellness tips.

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