Get Fit, Get Happy: 5 Surprising Ways Boxing Can Change Your Life

Time or money, what’s your excuse?

According to the CDC, only 80% of Americans are getting enough daily exercise. If you’re a part of that number, you probably have a million reasons to stay away from the gym.

Time and money are two of the most common excuses people create to avoid getting sweaty. Yet, what if, the real problem your facing is boredom?

If getting fit has been on your heart, you should try a boxing workout. No longer will you have to spend your time, slaving away on a treadmill, or repetitiously lifting waits. Instead, you’ll be jumping around, swinging your arms, and having a blast!

On top of burning calories, you’ll be creating a better life for yourself. Are you ready to have fun, and get in shape? Read on to learn 5 major benefits every boxer can enjoy.

1. Gain Strength from a Boxing Workout

You can build strength in doing many different workouts. Yet, a boxing workout provides you with a unique opportunity to gain overall body strength.

While your boxing you’ll be using the muscles in your arms and shoulders. Your entire upper body strength can benefit from the movements you’ll be making while punching.

The lower body will also become stronger with the different stances you’ll learn. One of the stances you’ll use is “boxer crouch”. When you’re in this position, your legs will be wide apart.

At the same time, your knees will have a slight bend. The boxer crouch stance helps strengthen your legs, back, and core muscles.

2. Eliminate Stress

Along with a stronger body, you’ll also have a stronger mind. You probably deal with stress on a daily basis. When we experience stress our muscles become tight, and blood pressure can rise.

The good news is, Harvard Health, published a study showing physical activity can help prevent stress from building up. In their research, 19% of the participants who started exercising were able to improve their blood pressure and overall health.

When you box, you give your body the chance to get rid of the side effects of stress. The act of punching a bag helps relieve any tensions in your muscles. Maintaining a regular boxing schedule can help regulate blood pressure as well.

3. Tight Toned Body

Earlier, we talked about how boxing gives you a chance to work out your entire body. Working out your entire body is great for your health, but it also makes you look amazing.

Here’s a quick list of all the parts of your body you’ll enjoy having a toned look to.

  • Hips
  • Shoulders
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Calves
  • Quadriceps
  • Ham Strings

When you’re an avid boxer your entire body can enjoy being tight and toned.

4. Incredible Cardiovascular Benefits

Did you know boxing is an aerobic exercise? Aerobic, or cardio exercises, do wonders for your cardiovascular health.

When you do aerobic exercises, your body pumps oxygenated blood to the heart. Then your body works hard to carry oxygen to the working muscles.

On top of improving your cardiovascular health, aerobic exercises also keep you safe. Your chances of developing depression, cancer, and osteoporosis go down when you do aerobic exercises.

5. Build a Lifestyle

Finally, when you start boxing, you’ll be creating a lifestyle. Now you can identify as being, “a boxer”. The next time, you start thinking about having a pint of ice cream, you’ll have a moment of pause.

You might even ask yourself, “Do I really want this treat, after all the hard work I did exercising today?”. Simply knowing you’re working hard, and maintaining a gym schedule, can help build healthy eating habits.

You’ll also be able to make new friends, at the boxing gym. You can go to a new gym like Society Boxing & Fitness, or one that’s been around a while like, Nyes Gym.

Dress like a Boxer

Are you ready to get out there and try a boxing workout? Before you go to your first class, make sure you have the right clothes.

Trying to work out in the wrong outfit can be a recipe for disaster. Having workout clothes that are efficient, and look good on you, will inspire you to box even more.

Lateet loves helping our readers learn about all of the fun and interesting things in life. If you’re not sure what to wear to your first boxing class, we can help! Check out our article about fit fashion.

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