Get the CBD Without the THC! 3 Amazing Benefits of the Hemp Flower

Traditional medicine can often cause more problems than they fix. We have all heard the sped up disclaimer messages at the end of pharmaceutical ads.

You would like to try marijuana for your ailments, but you do not want the feeling of being high. You have things to do and don’t have time to sit around stoned!

If this sounds like you, CBD may be the answer to your prayers. CBD is a cousin of marijuana that has all the benefits, but none of the high.

CBD market is picking up steam too! Research analysts predict that the CBD market alone could hit $22 billion by the year 2022! Some even think that CBD will outgrow marijuana not too far in the future.

So before you puff, puff, pass on the benefits you could see when using marijuana, we have 5 reasons why you should consider trying CBD hemp flower instead. Keep reading to learn more!

What’s the Difference?

CBD flower looks like its infamous cousin marijuana, but it lacks the THC content that causes psychoactive effects.

The science breaks down like this. Our bodies have THC receptors when we are born. The THC molecule fits into the receptors like a glove, causing the feeling of being high.

The difference between THC and CBD is that CBD molecules do not come into direct contact with those receptors (because it is a tiny bit different in molecular shape) and thereby doesn’t cause psychoactive effects.

1. Digestion Regulation

Studies have shown that the protein and fiber in hemp will slow down digestion, making it easier to regulate blood sugar.

The same fiber has also proven to help keep you regular in the bathroom department as well.

2. the Versatility of the Hemp Flower

These days, there are more than buds available to enjoy. CBD comes in many different forms and functions.

You can go to dispensaries or go online to places to buy a wide variety of CBD products including buds, oils, and pre-rolled joints.

As CBD becomes more popular, people are discovering new ways to use it. Since there is no chance of overdosing, this is one medicine you can experiment with to find the best method of consumption for you.

3. Natural and Chemical Free

The magic pills your doctor prescribes you do not grow out of the ground or on a vine. Corporations mix the chemical compounds and mass produce it for a profit.

If you buy an organic brand of hemp, you can rest easy knowing that your medicine is all natural and has no harmful chemicals added.

CBD buds will not have pesticides on them. They will also not need to go through any processing to make it a useful form. All CBD buds need is a little trim and it’s ready for use.

Final Thoughts

CBD hemp flower has many other benefits as well and because of that, it is legal in many states that do not allow THC consumption.

Once you have your CBD buds rolled up and ready to smoke, why not do a little light reading!

We have a wide range of topic on our blog from science and tips to nature and people. If you have any questions about CBD or this article, contact us today!

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