Happy Retirement: 5 Tips for Enjoying Your Golden Years

model of retired couple on bench

There are almost 50 million retirees in the United States. If you’re about to head into retirement, you’re in good company.

But not everyone enjoys their retirement. Looking for the key to a happy retirement? We’ve got you covered: here are five tips to a good retirement.

1. Prepare Savings Well Ahead of Time

Money is important to a happy retirement, as we all know. But how much money is enough?

The rule of thumb is to have 80% of your annual income saved per year of retirement. Some of that money will come from Social Security. If you want to work a small job during retirement, you can also get started with less money.

Whatever you choose, make sure to keep a budget. Without one, you may run through your savings much faster than anticipated which can lead to a host of other problems. Save early and often and stick to your budget and you’ll be financially set for your retirement years.

2. Keep Busy and Try New Things

Having an open schedule can be a huge shift in your lifestyle. Because of this, it’s important to stick to a routine. It will help you maintain your sense of purpose and avoid losing track of time.

Retirees that keep busy tend to be happier. So consider starting a new hobby or learning a new skill. If you already have some hobbies, spend your day doing those things that you enjoy.

Not sure where to start? Consider volunteering. This can help you maintain your sense of purpose and avoid boredom.

3. Take Care of Your Health

The average retiree spends over $4,000 per year on healthcare. These will be some of your largest expenses during retirement. Medicare can help, but nothing helps more than taking good care of yourself is so important.

If you aren’t healthy, you won’t be able to take full advantage of your retirement. One of the best ways to stay healthy is to get involved in physical activities. Hobbies like golfing, gardening, and walking can give you something to do while also keeping you in shape.

4. Move Somewhere That’s Retiree Friendly

Likewise, consider moving somewhere with a lot of retirees. Choosing somewhere with a low cost of living can help you stretch your budget further.

And don’t be afraid to move into an assisted living center, which can help make sure you stay on top of your health needs at an affordable cost. For example, the Ashford assisted living center offers beautiful living quarters and great activities at a price point that you can maintain throughout your retirement.

5. Maintain Your Relationships

Without going to work every day, it’s easy to become increasingly isolated during your retirement. Make sure to schedule some time to maintain your relationships. Even though you’re done with work, you don’t have to be done with the friends you made there.

Regularly schedule visits to see your family and friends. Without work, you’ll have a lot more time to dedicate to these relationships.

You’re Ready for a Happy Retirement

Now you have all the tips you need to start a happy retirement. Like this article? Remember to check back often for the latest shareable news.

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