Honey, I Shrunk the Trash! Here’s How Trash Compactors Work

garbage compactor

The US alone produced 254 million tons of garbage back in 2013.

Every year, you produce about 1.5 tons of solid waste. That’s a lot of walks to the trash bin and a lot of waste in the landfill. Although we can’t help you reduce how much waste you produce, we can tell you how to dispose of it more efficiently.

A garbage compactor replaces your old trash bin. It makes managing your trash simple and it’s easy to use as well as cost-effective.

But how do they work and what are their benefits? Keep reading to find out.

What Is a Trash Compactor?

A garbage compactor is a kitchen appliance for your trash. It compresses waste into small packages. It’s easier on landfills and decreases the amount of space you use.

A garbage compactor also requires less labor than traditional trash bags. It can turn 6 bags of trash into a single, 30 lb bag. Meaning that you only have to take your trash out once per week.

How Does a Trash Compactor Work?

A garbage compactor is made of three parts:

  1. Metal ram
  2. Bin
  3. Electrical power switch

It’s easy to use a garbage compactor. First, you place your waste in the bin. When the bin is full, you close the compactor and turn on the power.

Inside the garbage compactor is a hydraulic-powered metal ram. This ram crushes your trash into a small package within the bin.

The ram lifts automatically and the whole process takes about 45 seconds. When complete, you bag the package of dense waste and throw it into your outdoor garbage.

How Do You Load the Bin Properly?

Your bottles and cans should be placed on their side and placed in the bin first. They should go in the middle of the bin.

Bigger pieces of garbage also go in the middle of the bin. You should only load the bin to 50% of its capacity.

You can use your garbage compactor for selling recyclables as scrap materials. Dispose of aluminum cans, plastic, and cardboard products in the same load to keep them together.

Most garbage compactors have a sensor in case you’ve overfilled or misloaded the trash. An alarm will sound to alert you that you need to reload the bin.

What Can’t Be Put In a Garbage Compactor?

There are some things that shouldn’t be placed in your garbage compactor.

It’s recommended that you don’t use your compactor for glass. Glass can be dangerous when broken down. It can cause damage to your compactor and can be hazardous when removing.

Oils shouldn’t go in the compactor because they can leak. If oil gets into the compactor it can cause mechanical damage.

It should go without saying but hardwood materials don’t go in the garbage compactor. Nor do any electronic items. The garbage compactor isn’t capable of compressing these items.

Be careful when loading fresh meats and leftovers into the compactor. You don’t empty it as often as you empty a trash can and these items may cause undesirable odors if left for too long.

Cleaning agents and other chemical products shouldn’t go in your compactor. These can cause internal damage to the appliance. These should be disposed of properly so they don’t cause leaks in landfills.

Any waste from your pets is not to be placed in the garbage compactor. Baby diapers also shouldn’t go in the compactor.

Are Garbage Compactors Safe?

Garbage compactors are powerful kitchen appliances. As such, there are a few safety items you should know about.

Never use any body part to push trash into the compactor. Don’t touch any of the parts while the compactor is in use.

The compactor comes with a key. Keep the compactor locked when not in use.

Only fill the compactor to its capacity. Overfilling the compactor can cause a jam that can lead to damage.

Don’t operate a damaged garbage compactor.

Don’t use an extension cord on a compactor. Only plug the compactor directly into the wall.

Keep children away from the trash compactor, especially one that isn’t locked. Don’t allow children to operate the compactor.

To keep your garbage compactor in great working condition, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. To protect your investment, ensure that you have regular maintenance performed as well.

How Big Is a Garbage Compactor?

Garbage compactors are relatively small appliances. They measure between 12″ and 15″ wide, 34″ to 35″ inches, and 24″ deep.

They only weigh approximately 150 lbs. Most are concealed by being built into a cabinet.

What Are The Types of Garbage Compactors?

There are three types of garbage compactors:

Freestanding. These compactors have finished tops that can be used as extra countertop space.

Under-the-counter. These compactors are placed between two kitchen cabinets. They’re similar to an automatic dishwasher but a lot smaller.

Convertible. A convertible garbage compactor can be used as a freestanding compactor or an under-the-counter compactor.

All garbage compactors are easy to install. They simply plug into the wall. They also take up minimal space in your kitchen.

Other Benefits of a Garbage Compactor

A garbage compactor reduced the volume of your trash by up to 75%. That means fewer trips to the outdoor garbage and less room used to store trash. The packages of waste produced by a compactor take up minimal space at the landfill as well.

Having a garbage compactor may help you recycle more items. By easily compressing aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, and other recyclable materials, you can sell your recycled material for cash or simply reduce your ecological imprint.

A garbage compactor can also be cost-effective for some homeowners. Some cities or homeowners associations have a maximum amount of garbage you can dispose of in a week. You can reduce the number of bags you use by installing a garbage compactor.

More Helpful Tips

A garbage compactor is a useful tool for reducing floor space in the kitchen as well as the number of times you travel to your outdoor garbage. They’re easy to use, even easier to install, and safe when used properly. Although they can’t dispose of all your garbage, they can significantly reduce the volume of garbage your household produces.

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