How Does Numerology Work? A Guide for Beginners


Did you know that the letter A matches with number 1 and letter B pairs with the number 2, and so on?

Each letter of the alphabet pairs with a specific number that is used in numerology.

So how does numerology work and what is it?

Continue reading to discover the most basic information about numerology and how it can apply to your life! 

What Is Numerology?

Before you discover how does numerology work, you must understand what it is. 

Numerology, simply put, is the study of numbers that occur in your life. Numbers can have significant meanings for individuals and how their life goes. People that follow numerology believe that the universe is a system of elements that are equivalent to numbers. 

One of the most influential numerologists was Pythagoras, who was a Greek philosopher. His work led to the Pythagorean theorem. The Pythagorean theorem is considered to be mathematically proportionate to musical harmonies. This was the beginning of people believing in the mystical properties associated with numbers. 

Understanding Its Purpose

Numerology is popular because it can help people learn more about themselves and the world around them. 

The entire purpose of numerology is to add value and meaning to life, even in the smallest of ways. Numbers and proportions make up everything around us and all things can be reduced so a numerical value for simplification. 

The goal of numerology is to tell the future and predict human behaviors. 

Recurring numbers that show up in your life are considered to have significant meanings and can offer clues about people and events. People that believe in numerology also believe that everything happens for a reason. This is because of the number’s vibrations.  

How Does Numerology Work?

Numerologists have discovered a way to break down everything in life into numbers.

Each number has a certain vibration that is put out into the work and can impact various areas of life. Many people use a number’s vibration to learn more about the behavior of someone. Another way that people use numerology is to determine potential romantic partners. 

To figure out a person’s significant number, many numerologists use the name that was given to them at birth. This tends to work better than nicknames. You can create a numerology column to keep your numbers and letters separate to understand the meaning. 

Add up all of the numbers that correlate with the letters of the person’s name. If your number is more than 1 digit, add them together. If the letters in your name add up to 24, for example, your number would be 6 (2 plus 4).  This number is considered to be your master number. 

You can also get your life or destiny number from your date of birth. 

Do You Believe in the Mystical Powers of Numbers?

Numerologists believe that everything happens for a reason. They claim that everything can be simplified into numbers. 

By discovering how does numerology work you can learn more about yourself and other people’s behaviors. Numerologists have been around since the Pythagorean theorem. The question is, do you believe in these mystical meanings? 

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about numerology and finding the meaning of life! 

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