How to Ask Someone Out: The Ultimate Guide

Are you wondering how to ask someone out?

If you’ve been on the dating scene, the chances are good that at some point, someone has turned you down. It might have been a close friend or an acquaintance; it could have even been your crush. Regardless of how they handled it, how did you feel?

Probably like no one will ever want to date me again. But this is not the case!

The truth is that people do get rejected all the time — and there’s nothing wrong with them because of it. In fact, rejection is actually how we grow as individuals and learn more about what we want in a partner.

So don’t give up hope just yet. Read this article, and you’ll be ready to ask that special someone to go on a date with them in no time.

Don’t Hesitate

At this point, you know how to ask someone out. You have the confidence of a mature adult, and all your friends are rooting for you. But despite how ready you might feel, there is one thing that will make it extremely difficult for you to ask them out: hesitation.

Understand that as long as you hesitate, they are going to be able to read through your nerves. And no one wants an awkward first date with someone who couldn’t even get themselves together enough to ask them how to go on a date with them in the first place.

So don’t hold back. Just tell yourself how much courage it took for you to grow up, get over high school social standards and how you deserve to have the adult relationship that you want. After all, how to ask someone out is never as hard as it seems.

You can check these additional tips for a first date.

Have a Conversation

There are lots of ways you can use to ask someone out. But if you really want them to say yes (and avoid any awkwardness), then prepare yourself for a little discussion. It can be short and sweet, but at least it will show them how interested — and how mature — you are.

Just tell them: “I’d like to ask you something…” or even better, “Can I talk with you about something?”

To make it go smoothly, end with something positive like “Wouldn’t this be fun?” or “It would be great if you said yes.”

Don’t Wait for a Good Moment

People are often told to make sure that they pick the right moment when asking someone out, but this is completely unnecessary.

If you see them on their own, walk up to them and ask about going on a date with them. That way, there will be no pressure and no awkward silences while waiting for people around you to clear out before the big question.

There are even ways to ask someone out if there are other people around — don’t worry about it! You can make eye contact with them across the room, give them a friendly smile and wave them over.

Be Positive

So how do you ask someone out without sounding weird? Just promise yourself that no matter how the other person reacts to your suggestion, you won’t take it personally.

Think of how many times they might have been asked this question before and how nice it would be for them if this time someone actually meant what they were asking for.

Here are some things not to say when asking someone out: “Didn’t we already go on a date?” or “If I didn’t already tell you, then I don’t like you.”

Basically, just be yourself and remember that asking someone out should only be awkward if it is your first time asking anyone out.

Be Confident When Approaching Someone in Public

So now you know the best ways how to ask someone out in public. But there is one more thing that people tend to get wrong when trying to do this: the way they make their approach.

If you find yourself scared at approaching someone no matter what, then try imagining them saying “yes” right away and give yourself a healthy dose of confidence before walking over to talk with them. It will appear as if everything was always on your side, and they were waiting just for you to ask.

Buy Them a Gift or Arrange Something Special Beforehand

This should only be done if there is already some relationship between you and the person you are trying to ask out. It will allow them to know your intentions from the beginning and not feel forced into accepting your invitation if they aren’t really interested in going out with you.

If the issue is more complicated than that, try buying them something nice like flowers or a valuable card. You’ll say everything without saying anything at all. And make sure you give it before asking them so as not to appear too pushy.

Be Equally Charming in Person

This is a pretty obvious way on how to ask someone out, but it’s still worth mentioning. That if you want their answer to be positive, then you should act confident and charming.

So talk about something interesting, avoid saying anything offensive or making too much noise (even better – make it fun), and don’t hesitate to look into their eyes when talking. It will show them that they are important to you, which will help both of you feel more comfortable around each other. There won’t be pressure on them to come up with some witty things as well.

Don’t Use “The Line”

If all else fails, try staying away from clichés like “would you go out with me?” and “will you go out with me?”. These are usually perceived as very impersonal, and they have been used way too many times before, so why should a person say yes to them when there is no other thought behind them?

In fact, the only thing that these phrases do is make your question sound like an order — even if it isn’t meant to be one.

Telling someone this makes you look like a desperate guy who has nothing better to do.

And finally, saying things like “it would mean a lot to me if you went out with me” only makes it obvious that you don’t care what they really think about the matter.

These are all bad ways on how to ask someone out because they make the other person feel like you want something from them and nothing more.

Now You Know How To Ask Someone Out

Asking someone out is one of the most delicate things in dating. It requires you to understand how the other person sees it and what purpose it serves. Also, be confident enough.

Once you learn all of these rules on how to ask someone out, your chances for a good first date increase. The date might even lead to something more serious later on.

Good luck as you implement our dating advice. And remember to read our other blog posts.

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