How to Break Into Your House: A Guide to How Burglars Plan to Get into Your Home

Are you up at night worried that your house isn’t secure enough to prevent intruders?

In 2017 there were over 7.5 million property crimes in the United States. With a number that high people are preparing by purchasing home security and patrol services.

A courtesy patrol isn’t always going to be there though, so it is up to you to make sure things are sound on your end. We made this post to prepare you.

Keep reading to learn how to break into your own home.

Investigate All Your Windows

A window is one of the most common burglary entry points. The first thing to make sure is all your windows stay locked when you aren’t in a position to watch them.

This includes the second story. You’ve heard of a ladder, right?

You can break window glass easily. However, reinforced glass isn’t as easy to smash. Upgrading your glass or adding bars to your window provides an effective deterrent against the brute force method.

Window locks are also not the most effective. You can install a more effective lock so your window can’t be tampered with from the outside to bypass your lock.

Check to See if Deadbolts are Unlocked

If you think a regular door lock will stop a burglary, then you are mistaken. Even with a locked door, it is still a potential entry point when locked.

For starters, a credit card or something similar can jimmy the lock mechanism to open the door. If you push a laminated card that can easily bend into the doorframe, you can access the door bolt and force it to the side to open the door.

With the right tools, you can also remove the doorknob. Having your deadbolt locked will add an extra layer of protection you shouldn’t skip.

Check the Size of Dog Doors

You probably love your puppy and want him or her to be able to get outside whenever they want. But, dog doors are a security problem.

You want your door to be large enough for your dog to get through, but make sure it isn’t too large. The larger it is, the larger the chance of a smaller person squeezing through into your home.

The next ensure is that you install the dog door correctly. Make sure that it is difficult to remove the door framing to make room for a bigger person.

There are also dog doors that work with electronic chips. This chip will lock the door unless your dog is near it, stopping intruders from coming in as they please.

Look For Common Spare Key Locations

People may not like to admit it, but they lock themselves out of their homes from time to time.

To help with this, a common practice is to hide a spare key outside somewhere to grab when this happens to you. But, if this place is prominent, then you are at risk of someone else finding it.

If you must leave a spare key outside, find somewhere unique to hide it nobody will think of. This hiding spot will stop people from seeing your spare key.

Learn How to Break Into Your Home Yourself

Now that you know how to break into your home, you have a good start on better protecting yourself. Make your rounds to ensure you have secured all the common entry points.

Are you looking for more tips? Check out our tips section for more how-tos to dive into!

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