How to Make a Photography Portfolio That’ll Wow Potential Clients

This photograph of a potato sold for over $1 million. Yes, a potato. Don’t let this fool you though. Building a successful career as a photographer is not easy. It takes lots of hard work.

Part of standing out from the competition and being successful includes creating an amazing portfolio.

Wondering how to make a photography portfolio that will land you success? Keep reading for everything you need to know in order to impress any potential client.

Offer Free Shoots to Start

If you are just starting out, it can be difficult to have enough photos to include in a portfolio. You also will need lots of practice to get the perfect shots to showcase your talent.

Don’t feel weird about offering free photoshoots to friends and families. Shooting for them is a great way to work out your process and experiment without so much pressure.

Be sure to take your camera any time you travel to a new place. States like Texas offer great cityscapes, but also open wilderness to give you diverse options for photos.

Consider Your Target Audience

Before spending a lot of time of your portfolio, make sure you understand your ideal audience. That is, where do you want your niche to be?

If you want to target couples for wedding shoots, don’t fill your portfolio with architecture and nature shots.

When potential clients see their vision or desires as something that clearly fits your established work, you increase the odds of working with them.

Looking to improve your portrait photography skills? Here is a guide with lots of helpful tips, check it out!

Streamline and Condense Your Images

Your portfolio is one of the main ways for you to sell yourself to potential clients. Avoid using multiple photographs that are nearly identical. This may signal that you are inexperienced or new to the field.

It’s okay to use two shots from the same photoshoot, just make sure they are truly different and included for a reason.

Cultivate a Web Presence

Gone are the days of just physical portfolios. People will seek out photographer services online and be looking for examples of your work. But don’t just upload random photos with a little text.

Work with a professional web developer to ensure efficient and responsive layouts. People will not spend time checking out your work if your website is slow and chaotic.

How to Make a Photography Portfolio: Putting Images Together

After selecting the perfect images, it’s time to put them together. Remember to always edit yourself. Having too many photos can make your portfolio seem cluttered and overwhelming.

Try to tell a story with your photos and ensure they are all large sized photos. Include a short bio and all of your contact information.

It’s Time to Perfect Your Portfolio to Launch Your Career

Now you know how to make a photography portfolio that will land you client after client. With a little bit of creativity and perseverance, you will be well on your way to becoming a professional photographer.

Are you looking for even more tips to use in your photography career? Check out nine of the best places to start taking pictures!

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