How You Can Cure Your Hangover With a Vitamin IV

You’ve woken up; you’ve got work in an hour. But all you can think about is a pounding headache, overwhelming nausea, and a deep sense of regret. 

If only you’d had a few fewer shots last night, today might feel more manageable. Get the aspirin, a glass of water, a rehydration sachet, and see if it helps. If you’re lucky, it could ward off your hangover symptoms until about 11 am. 

But what if there was some way to cure a hangover instantly? Well, have you heard of a vitamin IV? In only 45 minutes, you could be re-hydrating, re-nourished, and ready for a productive day. 

Read on to learn how to cure the worst of all hangovers. 

What Is Vitamin IV Therapy for Hangovers? 

A vitamin IV drip isn’t a new phenomenon; go to a hospital, and they may well put you on a drip. Why? Hydration. 

The symptoms of a hangover come from dehydration and the effects of alcohol, which is a neurotoxin. Vitamin IV therapy contains fluid, vitamins, minerals, anti-nausea medications, and painkillers. 

A vitamin IV will rehydrate the body, help flush out toxins, and restore lost nutrients. Drinking water is good, but water can’t replenish your body with the nutrient stores that an IV can. 

The main vitamin IV benefits are bypassing your digestive system and going straight into the bloodstream. This means you get quick relief, and your hangover recovery time is reduced. 

Are Vitamin IV’s Safe? 

It’s natural to be nervous about an IV vitamin fusion; after all, it is an intravenous injection.

But if anything, it’s more dangerous not to rehydrate after a hangover. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and dizziness are common hangover symptoms and can cause further illness or accidents. 

At a minimum, a safe vitamin IV will contain the following ingredients: 

  • Saline 
  • Vitamin B’s 
  • Folic acid 
  • Biotin 
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Amino acids 
  • Glutathione 

Vitamin IVs are safe and regulated as long as their administered by a registered healthcare professional. The only caution is not to try it yourself or buy an IV from an unregistered service. 

Where Can I Get a Vitamin IV?

As celebrities and social media influencers have promoted vitamin IVs, their availability has exploded. There are even mobile services that will come to your door (for the worst hangovers, this could not be more valuable. 

If you’re looking for IV therapy to help you get on with your day, you can read more at Drip AZ. Once booked in, you could back to your usual self within an hour. 

No More Hangovers With Vitamin IV’s 

So there you go, just search ‘IV vitamin therapy near me’ and get started. No more crippling 24-hour debilitating hangovers; a vitamin IV could be your cure. 

Did you find this article helpful? We’ve got plenty more valuable tips. Check out the rest of our page for everything you need to know about health, fitness, lifestyle, sport, and more! 

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