Hypochlorhydria: How to Tell If You Have Low Stomach Acid

A healthy stomach produces about 3-4 liters of gastric juice each day.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) serves as an important component. The acid kills disease-causing microorganisms in the stomach to prevent infections. It also helps the body to digest and absorb nutrients.

When a person does not produce enough stomach acid, it is called hypochlorhydria. This condition can cause a number of health problems.

Read on to learn the signs of hypochlorhydria.

Nutrient Deficiencies

HCL aids in the digestion and absorption of vital nutrients. Low gastric acid can lead to nutrient deficiencies. If a blood test reveals that you are deficient in protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, or vitamin B12, you may suffer from a stomach acid imbalance.

These nutrient deficiencies can cause a number of strange symptoms that you can notice even without a blood test. They can include fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, and loss of muscle mass.

Bloating and Gas

Low stomach acid means that you do not break down food properly. This leads to bloating and gas. 

You may find yourself belching after meals. Low stomach acid can also cause an increase in flatulence. High protein foods, like meat and beans, may prove more bothersome than other options.

While bloat will leave you feeling uncomfortable, gas can actually hurt. Trapped gas may cause pain in the chest, back, or ribs that feel similar to a heart attack and leave you breathless. 


Food can contain a number of pathogens that grow prior to or during preparation. The low pH of stomach acid kills off most of these germs.

When your acid levels fall too low, your gastric juice cannot effectively protect you. You may notice recurrent GI infections. Symptoms of GI infections may include bloating, pain, nausea, diarrhea, and/or fever.

Skin Issues

Digestive issues sometimes show up on your face or other areas of your skin. Everything from nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, and infections caused by low stomach acid may show up in the form of acne or skin rashes.

You may also suffer from panniculitis due to low stomach acid.

Constant Hunger

A stomach acid imbalance can also cause you to feel insatiably hungry. You might notice that you eat more calories without feeling full.

This happens because you cannot properly break down and absorb nutrients from the food you eat. So, even though you receive a calorie surplus, you’re technically starving for nutrition.

Causes and Next Steps

Low stomach acid can occur from a range of causes. Sometimes aging and stress trigger hypochlorhydria.

Other times, medications may lead to this condition. Learn more about the potential dangers of taking a daily pill for heartburn.

If you notice these symptoms, talk to your doctor about stopping heartburn medication. They may run tests and help you raise your stomach HCl.

Know the Signs of Hypochlorhydria

When you do not produce enough stomach acid, it can cause a lot of pain and suffering. But, knowing the signs of hypochlorhydria puts you on track for fixing the issue.

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