I Fought the Law: 4 Situations When You Really Need a Lawyer

Life doesn’t always go as planned. You walk out the door expecting a perfectly normal day and disaster strikes. A person takes an action that causes harm to another person, whether intentional or not.

Plain and simple: life is messy.

Some of these incidents one will be able to work out on their own, but there are others where you will need a lawyer to get through. An experienced attorney can be a huge help in any sort of legal situation where the outcome of a conflict can have a big impact on your life.

Need some tips on when you really need to reach out to an attorney for some legal assistance? Read on and we’ll walk you through what you need to know.

1. You’re Hit With a DUI

Everyone makes mistakes, but there are some mistakes that can have a bigger impact on your day to day life than others. Getting behind the wheel after having a drink can certainly be one of them.

DUI charges can be extreme and severe, especially depending on where you live in the country. Certain states have littler mercy to give to those who drink and drive.

If you’ve been hit with a DUI charge, there’s a very good chance you’re going to want to hire an attorney to help you with your case. While they might not be able to get you off the hook completely for what you’ve done, they should be able to help mitigate the severity of the punishment.

Failure to call an attorney will likely see you facing the maximum penalty for your DUI.

2. A Nasty Divorce

No one expects to hate their spouse when they first walk down the aisle at their wedding, but often divorces and uncouplings between two adults can get really difficult. Emotions are at a high, and properly dividing finances, property, and care for children can be one of the most troubling experiences one has to go through.

When couples can’t find a mutual agreement on various topics during their split, it’s likely that they’ll both need to retain the help of a qualified lawyer. There is just too much at stake in a divorce to not do everything you can to ensure you get to keep what’s yours.

This is especially true when questions of child custody are thrown around. No one wants to lose their kids, but getting visitation rights, and deciding the primary home of the child, can be a long and arduous process.

The final terms of a divorce are legally binding so it’s important to fight for what you need during this period of time. A lawyer can help.

3. Car Accidents

We spend a lot of time on the road and often forget how dangerous of a place it can be. Car accidents are far too common, and the damage and injuries that result from them can be serious business.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence, you do have the right to seek compensation under the law. It’s important that you do because the medical bills following such an accident can really add up.

It can be hard to fight against the team of lawyers that the average car insurance company will have cued up to dispute your claim. They will often try to low-ball you and get you to accept less than you deserve during your settlement.

Many people fall for these kinds of tactics because they truly don’t know how much they are entitled to following a serious automobile accident. An attorney with experience in dealing with auto accident law will be able to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

For one, they will be able to help you find the true valuation of your case. They will be able to take into account the cost of medical care, damage to your vehicle, and lost wages from work. They’ll also be able to put a number on the less qualitative elements, such as pain and suffering.

They will be able to help gather evidence to help make your case and secure this compensation total. You don’t want to handle this kind of thing without them.

4. Workplace Discrimination

We’ve all heard stories about it in the news, but could it happen to you? The unfortunate reality is that workplace discrimination is all too common.

This discrimination could take many different forms. It might be based on gender, race, religion, or even age. Any act an employer takes that is based on these factors as opposed to being based on the employee’s actual actions and performances can definitely be taken as discriminatory.

This kind of action is illegal and has been so since the 1960s when landmark civil rights laws made this kind of behavior against the law.

However, just because this action is illegal doesn’t mean it’s easy to prove. That’s where the assistance of an attorney really becomes valuable. They’ll know how best to gather evidence and build a case against an employer who will most likely deny that their actions were motivated by discrimination.

This can be a very tough case to win, but with the help of an experienced lawyer at your side, you might have a decent chance at success.

When Do You Need a Lawyer?

Life is complicated and you can find yourself in a wealth of prickly situations over the years. Not all of them will require outside help, but sometimes you will need a lawyer to help you sort things out.

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