I Need Money but I Have Bad Credit: What Can I Do?

piggy bank

Have you ever found yourself thinking “I need money”?

If so, take a minute to read this article, because we’ve got solutions for you. Yes, that includes if you have bad credit, even really bad credit.

Whether your credit has always been a little on the low end or you had a financial setback that tanked it, bad credit can feel smothering. However, just because you have less than desirable credit, it doesn’t mean you’re without hope or options.

Take a look at our top tips for getting your hands on some extra cash, regardless of your credit score!

I Need Money But I Have Bad Credit

Having bad credit isn’t the end of the world. Sure, it will make it difficult to get loans for a home or vehicle, but there are ways around that. You could rent until your credit builds or ask for a trusted friend or family member to co-sign a lease agreement for you.

Additionally, just because your credit is low now, it doesn’t mean it will always be. There are multiple ways to improve your credit. Whether it’s your fault or not, the position you currently find yourself in will take some work to get out of.

However, if you’re thinking “I do want to improve my credit, but I need money now,” we can help.

Check out these 8 strategies for making quick cash.

1. Start a Side Job

If you’re low on cash and have bad credit, we’re guessing like 80% of the country, you’re living paycheck to paycheck. A simple way to combat this while making extra cash and digging yourself out of debt is by getting secondary income coming in.

This could look however you want it. You could get hired on for a part-time job or start your own side hustle.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Start doing yard work for people
  • Start driving for Uber or Lyft
  • Get a freelance writing gig online
  • Start shopping for and delivering groceries for people
  • Become a mystery shopper

As you can see, the options are nearly endless. With an open mind and a willingness to work, there’s no reason you can’t find a secondary source of income.

2. Make a Budget for Yourself

Next, if you find yourself thinking “I need money,” try looking at your own budget. Odds are, there’s a lot of money falling through the cracks that could otherwise be saved.

First, you need to make a list of all of your income sources. What is the dollar amount you bring in after taxes each month?

Then, you need to make a list of all of your expenses. This includes debts (loans, credit cards), recurring bills (cell phone, utilities, internet, rent, etc.), and monthly expenditures (food, gas, dining, shopping, everything).

Once you have your list of expenses, you can see the breakdown of where all of your money is going each month. You may be surprised to see how much of it is wasted on things like eating out, unused gym memberships, unnecessary phone plans, etc. Start cutting out all unnecessary costs from your budget and stick to your guns!

3. Get a Personal Loan

While it may seem unfathomable with your credit, we assure you, obtaining a loan isn’t out of the question. There are many loans designed specifically for people with less than desirable credit.

These loans for people with bad credit, however, come with a slight drawback. Because lenders will see you as a higher risk, the interest rate will be higher. However, when you’re in a tight spot and really need money, these lenders can be a saving grace.

4. Sell Your Stuff

Selling personal possessions is another option for people with bad credit to make money. Most of us have way too much stuff as it is. Why not declutter your home and make some money while doing it?

Take your wardrobe, for example. Most people only use half of the clothes they own. The rest just sit there and collect dust.

Alternatively, do you need three or four TVs in your home? What about the four-wheeler in the garage that never gets ridden? And your giant DVD collection you never watch?

These are just a few examples. However, you can see that your home is full of valuable stuff you won’t miss.

5. Get a Consolidation Loan

If you’re thinking “I need money to get out of debt,” you may consider a consolidation loan. While a consolidation loan doesn’t necessarily remove the overall figure, it can take quite a bit off your monthly payments.

For example, if you’re paying $1,000 a month on all of your random debts, consolidating it into one loan can take your monthly payment down substantially. The total debt amount will still be there, but you’ll have some room to breathe each month, giving you a chance to catch up.

6. Rent Your Stuff Out

If you have valuable items that you’re not ready to part with, you could rent them out for cash.

This can apply to multiple items. You could rent out big items like a boat, jet ski, four-wheeler, or RV. Alternatively, you can keep it small, with items like snowboards, skis, bicycles, TVs, movies, games, and gaming systems.

Just make sure you get a plan in place to protect you and your stuff from getting lost, damaged, or stolen.

7. Downsize Your Car for a Cheaper One

This may not be an option if you’re already driving a cheap car, but most people tend to live above their means. In fact, most people spend hundreds of dollars a month more than they can afford on car payments.

If you have a newer car, consider selling it and getting an older, less expensive one. Rather than paying $300 to $500 a month on a fancy car, downsize to a $150 payment.

8. Sell Plasma

If you think “I need money immediately,” you should consider donating plasma. Donating plasma can actually be quite lucrative, adding a couple of hundred dollars to your bank account a month.

However, there are certain stipulations for donating. Make sure you can meet all of the requirements.

Start Making Changes Today

The best way to start making changes is to start making them as soon as possible! If you are always thinking “I need money,” perhaps it’s time to mix things up.

Today is nothing but yesterday’s tomorrow. Meaning, if you always have the mentality of putting things off until later, you will never achieve your goals.

Start making changes today. And remember to check out the rest of our blog for more helpful tips and articles!

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