I Need More Space! 5 Creative Storage Options for Large Stuff

We Americans have too much stuff.

We’ve turned our homes into a museum of things we’ve collected. We’re so overwhelmed by stuff that we created a multi-billion dollar self-storage industry.

Crazy, right?

This author kind of doubts you’re about to go minimalist and throw out everything. So, here are some of the best storage options for your stuff.

Things to Do Before Packing Stuff Away

There’s no sense in packing away tons of stuff you don’t intend to keep. You should consider doing a big purge before investing in storage options.

Start by doing these three tasks:

  • Choose where things are going
  • Keep, toss, and donate the stuff
  • Organize the rest by its purpose

Planning the storage space maximizes how it’ll all fit. At the same time, you won’t hit a point where you’re throwing stuff in storage to get it out of the way.

Purging your home’s contents is easy when you create a system. One such system is having three piles: keep, toss, and donate. Go through each item so you’re not holding onto things that’ll collect dust and take up space in storage.

Finally, organize the remaining items bound for storage by its purpose. Set similar items with another or organize by the room. This extra step makes grabbing stuff out of storage easier as you have a place for everything.

Storage Options for When You’re out of Space

Did you complete the initial organization? If so, great! You’re now ready to explore the storage options, finding which best fits your budget and needs.

Note: The “$” notes the organizational method’s pricing range.

1. Shelving Units ($)

Getting your stuff vertical maximizes your limited space. What better way to do this than installing shelving units? These could go in the closet, garage, basement, and any other location you feel appropriate.

Look for:

  • Sturdy, metal design
  • Shelving dimensions

You could also install horizontal shelving across the roof of the garage. Bonus points if you place items in clear plastic tubs for easier viewing and access.

2. Built-Ins ($$)

A bit of money and home design sense can make good use of your space. You’ll do this by converting existing space by installing built-in storage options.

Examples include:

  • Renovating crawl spaces in the attic
  • Fitting shelving or drawers under the stairway
  • Adding floor-to-ceiling shelving as a living room feature

Look up built-in storage options then connect with a contractor.

3. Storage Sheds ($$$)

Storage sheds come at variable sizes and prices. These options are great if you have a wide open backyard or the appropriate space in the garage. The units include tool sheds to large buildings (wood and/or metal).

The latter, buildings, may need permitting so check with your city council.

4. Portable Storage ($$$$)

A cool box portable storage is a great solution if you’re in the midst of moving. Or, if you have precious items kept in a regulated environment. These storage solutions get dropped on location, letting you fill them at your own pace.


You could opt for a big buy like a shipping container. These sturdy units are available through aftermarket sellers. Given you have space, these make for an awesome conversion into storage or even living space!

5. Storage Units ($$$$$)

The last solution on our list is opting for storage units. Why last? Because it’s likely you’ll get locked into a monthly fee to store stuff you probably don’t need.

There are plenty of companies offering storage units:

  • Public Storage
  • Simply Self Storage
  • CubeSmart

This author recommends you explore the prior options before going the self-storage route. Though, these do come in handy if you make a plan to get things out of them before they become a regular necessity.

I (Still) Need More Space!

Using storage options frees up much-needed space in your home. The only problem is that you’re still left with a lot of stuff! It can become overwhelming when it feels you’re buried by the things you own.

Use this year to reassess what’s important to you.

Remove the unnecessary and go back to the basics. Have a place for everything you own. And, check out this guide to lifestyle design to make it a reality.

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