Metal Braces vs Invisalign: An In-Depth Comparison

Are you looking to get straighter teeth for a more beautiful smile? Over four million people in the United States wear braces and nearly a quarter of them are adults! You’re not alone in taking the first step towards a straighter set of teeth. 

If you’ve been considering this for a while, you probably know that you have several options when it comes to teeth straightening. While there are a few different kinds of braces at this point in time, the two most popular are classic metal braces and clear aligners. 

When it comes to metal braces vs Invisalign, what’s the best choice for you? 

Depending on your lifestyle, your teeth, and what you value most out of orthodontic care, you might prefer one option over the other. They both have their merits. 

If you’re trying to choose between metal braces and Invisalign, keep reading to learn more about each and how they compare in some crucial categories.

What Are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are the most common form of orthodontic work that most people are used to seeing. 

They’re popular both for their cost and their ease and quickness of use. 

Brackets are affixed to the surfaces of the teeth and bound by wires that go across them and connect them together. Over time, this allows the teeth to be shifted in essentially any direction. 

This form of orthodontic work is incredibly flexible. People with many kinds of alignment problems can have success with metal braces. They are a tried and tested method that has been around in some capacity since at least the 1800s. 

They’re fading in popularity, but metal braces will likely always have a place in any dentist’s office. 

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is one of the newest forms of dental alignment, but how does Invisalign work?

It’s a system of clear aligners made to help people straighten their teeth in a less obvious way. The aligners are made of a special plastic that’s strong enough to slowly and carefully shift teeth over time. 

The aligners are relatively invisible, resembling clear mouth guards, though they do still have a “look’ to them. They are the most invisible option for orthodontic work aside from lingual braces which are far less popular and more expensive.

For complicated procedures, bracket-like buttons can be placed on the teeth to help move them, though this wasn’t always the case.

Invisalign is a relatively new technology in comparison to metal braces, so it’s still evolving. There are new advancements coming up from time to time, including accelerated versions for more minor corrections. 


When considering dental work, the cost is often a key factor. Orthodontic fixes are expensive, and even with insurance, can be prohibitive. So with that said, how do Invisalign and metal braces match up? 

Metal Braces

If you need full realignment, metal braces tend to be the most cost-effective (though they are still expensive, as all dental work can be). 

The cost of braces will vary depending on several factors. If you need them for a very long time, or you have a very complicated case, you may need to spend more money. If you have a more mild condition, you will need to spend less. 

Insurance will sometimes cover the cost of metal braces.

Metal braces range from roughly $3,000 to $7,000 though there are outliers.


Invisalign does tend to be more expensive than the more traditional alternative of metal braces. It’s a more appealing choice and the technology is much newer and less invasive. 

Invisalign is multiple aligners rather than one set of braces (though even mental braces require adjustments). They are not significantly more expensive, but will range, on average, from $3,500 to $8,000. 

Again, there can be outliers depending on the time needed to adjust your teeth and the complication of the case.


Effectiveness might be one of the most important factors when it comes to orthodontic work. What’s the point of braces if they’re not realigning your teeth? Between metal braces and Invisalign, there are a few small differences in effectiveness depending on the situation that you’re working with.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are often considered the most effective kind of orthodontic treatment for common alignment problems that don’t require more extreme measures. 

Metal braces cover a wide range of issues from minor spacing and crowding to more complicated misalignments. They are a tried and true method that has stood the test of time. 

Because of the structure and material of metal braces, they tend to work the most quickly as well. Someone with significant gaps or bite issues will have a much quicker time with metal braces with regular adjustments than with Invisalign. 


With button additions, Invisalign clear aligners are still very effective. Without them, they can’t handle a wide range of issues (including vertically moving teeth or some issues with bite). 

Invisalign takes longer to work. This is partially because of the different pressure exerted on the teeth, but also because of the fact that you can (and should) remove them and put them back for eating, drinking, and brushing. Some people take them out for special occasions. 

It’s also easy to lose Invisalign aligners, especially for younger patients who may not yet have the responsibility of keeping these delicate objects safe.

For most issues, Invisalign is incredibly effective.


This is the biggest difference between the two, and often the one that drives adults to choose clear aligners. 

When it comes to appearance, who wins? 

Metal Braces

While metal braces do go in and out of style as a fashion object in certain circles, they’re definitely seen as the less aesthetically pleasing choice to many adults. 

For children who are going through the process alongside their friends, it might be popular to decorate braces with colorful rubber bands to give a fun appearance and help improve the overall look. For adults though, the metal look can be abrasive. 

These braces are very visible in photos and are unpopular as a result. 


Invisalign is the least visible choice for popular orthodontic treatments. They are still visible, but only mildly so. 

This makes them incredibly popular for teenagers and adults who value a more discreet look to their orthodontic care. The aligners pop on and off, so in a pinch, you can remove them if you have to for complete invisibility.

The buttons do make the aligners more visible, so if you have significant movements to be made, this will be less true. 

They are nearly invisible from a distance and in photos, making them a great choice for people who have events to go to. 

Overall, unless you like the style of metal braces, Invisalign is the clear winner.


All orthodontic treatment is uncomfortable. Your teeth don’t want to move. Is one of these treatments more painful than the other? 

Metal Braces

Metal braces do the work of shifting your teeth with metal. While you’re going to have the general “shifting pains”, you’re also going to have the pains of metal cutting into your tongue and cheeks. 

This pain passes, but can come back after adjustments and can be incredibly frustrating, especially for adults who need to work or spend all day communicating. 


Invisalign is not painless. These clear aligners are going to shift your teeth as well, causing a lot of pressure all around your mouth. 

The aligners will press into your gums and potentially your cheeks and tongue. That said, they’re plastic rather than metal and the feeling tends to be more comfortable and more easily adjusted by a dental professional if the discomfort persists.

The buttons may cause pain, but this is similar to the brackets from metal braces. 

Anything that causes movement in the mouth is going to be uncomfortable. It’s part of the process of adjusting your teeth and getting a more beautiful smile. Invisalign, overall, is a less painful option for many patients. 

Metal Braces vs Invisalign: What’s Right for You? 

When it comes to metal braces vs Invisalign, there’s a lot to think about. Depending on your specific case, you may be better suited to a few years of metal braces. If you want a quicker treatment, this may also be the better choice. 

That said, Invisalign is constantly developing, and they have also created more “express” treatments for minor problems. If you have a relatively uncomplicated orthodontic condition, or if you’re willing to have your treatment take just a little bit longer, Invisalign might be the best choice for you. You get the straight smile without the unsightly wires. 

Talk to your orthodontist today about the right kind of braces for you.

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