Milk Thistle and Alcohol: The Hangover Miracle

milk thistle and alcohol

Hangovers are a common occurrence for most drinkers, even the ones who try to drink moderately. In fact, about 70-75% of all drinkers experience hangovers after a drinking session.

The frequency and pervasiveness of hangover have led individuals throughout history to search for the cure to hangovers. This has led to many possible solutions – everything from eating pickled sheep eyeballs to drinking tea made form rabbit feces.

While much of the folk medicine of the past is unappetizing and questionable, there is one naturopathic remedy that works wonders – milk thistle and alcohol.

To learn more about one of the best hangover cures, continue reading below.

What Is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle is a species of thistle plant, also known as Silybum. It’s in the daisy flower family, though thistles obviously look quite different.

You can find milk thistles growing naturally throughout the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and North Africa. Although it is not native to other regions, it can be grown elsewhere. It is a strong plant, even considered a weed by some, and can thrive almost anywhere.

One of the best things about milk thistle is that it has the potential to be a free hangover cure. All you need are some useful gardening tips and a few seeds to grow your own remedy.

As far as its health benefits, scientists has determined that the plant is beneficial for the human liver. It is even recommended to take milk thistle for liver protection.

Obviously, as it helps the liver, it also helps with a hangover caused by alcohol as this substance does damage to the organ.

How to Take Milk Thistle

If you’re ready to try this natural hangover cure, it’s important to learn about dosage. Only if you take the right amount will the properties of the plant best help your hangover.

You can find milk thistle in many forms, including tablets, powder, tinctures, capsules, and seed extract. You may need to experiment a little to figure out which form you prefer.

Make sure not to take more than 200 milligrams of milk thistle, and no more than three times a day. Of course, check with your primary care physician before beginning any treatment, natural or otherwise. Your doctor knows your condition best and can point you in the best direction.

Once your doctor gives you the go ahead, you can even begin taking milk thistle regularly for liver protection. To boost your liver before a night of drinking, consider taking more to prevent tomorrow’s hangover. It will help to both protect from toxins and regenerate liver cells.

Milk Thistle and Alcohol

If you’re a drinker, there’s likely another hangover in your near future. Rather than spend all day sick in bed, try the milk thistle and alcohol approach.

The day before you plan to have a fun night drinking, prepare your milk thistle alcohol cure. This will save you from wasting an entire day on a useless and uncomfortable hangover.

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