Stay Fresh: 5 Flossing Tools to Improve Dental Hygiene

While flossing is an important oral hygiene habit, the reality is that many Americans do not floss daily or avoid flossing entirely. Statistics show that around 40% of Americans floss at least once a day, while 20% say they do not floss at all. Flossing helps to remove food stuck between your teeth, which reduces plaque and bacteria in your mouth.

If you are not satisfied with your current flossing routine or are resolved to add it to your oral hygiene habit, this blog article is for you. Here, we will take a closer look at five different types of flossing tools to improve oral hygiene. Each one is effective in reducing plaque buildup and ensuring that your teeth remain healthy and strong.

1. String Floss

Made of nylon, these are thin strands that are designed to fit between your teeth. Think of them as tiny ropes that allow you to clean between your teeth, in places where your toothbrush might typically fail to properly clean. String floss is available in a wide range of flavors depending on your personal preference.

2. Waxed Floss

Waxed floss contained a very thin layer of wax, which is designed to make it easier to glide between your teeth during flossing. This type of floss is slightly thicker and is stronger than unwaxed floss. If you notice that your current floss often breaks, then consider switching to waxed floss.

3. Dental Tape

Similar to the above flossing tools, however dental tape is flat like a ribbon and broader. This makes it particularly useful if you have larger gaps or spaces between your teeth. Dental tape is also easier to use if you have braces, which traditionally can make flossing more difficult. 

4. Water Flosser

A water flosser, also known as an oral irrigator, uses a pressurized stream of water to clean between teeth and remove food, bacteria, and plaque. It is regarded as easy to use and effective for cleaning between very narrow gaps between teeth.

A water flosser is also beneficial for people with braces and with arthritis, who may find string floss difficult to use.

5. Floss Pick

Many people find it difficult to use regular string floss, having to hold it on either end within your mouth and move it back and forth. A floss pick makes it easier to reach teeth at the back of the mouth and to effectively clean between tight spaces.

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Choose a Flossing Tool & Notice the Difference

Flossing is one of the most effective ways of cleaning your teeth and improving your overall mouth hygiene. Daily flossing is as essential as brushing for healthy teeth, so choosing the right flossing tool for you is important. Each of the flossing tools in this list is effective and can contribute to an excellent dental hygiene routine.

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