Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Account Organically

Are you looking to grow your Instagram account to expand your online presence?

Establishing a strong presence online opens a lot of doors for you. You’ll be able to leverage it to become successful in many things, such as marketing and online content creation. Of the different ways to do this, the simplest and best way to establish your presence online is by creating a social media account.

There’s a lot of activity happening on social media platforms every day thanks to their large user base. Among the different platforms, Instagram proves to be one of the more popular social media sites, having over 1.074 billion active users. Just because there’s a lot of people on it, though, doesn’t mean your account will grow immediately.

Organically growing your Instagram account is the best way for you to do so. Read what’s below to learn how to promote organic Instagram growth today. 

Research Your Target Demographics and Their Communities

Before you make any moves in creating your Instagram account, it’s best that you do some research first. Understanding your target demographic is essential in organic Instagram growth. Failing to do this will only cause your Instagram account to feel out of place, dooming your chances of growth from the get-go.

Put yourself in the shoes of your audience. Think about what they’ll find engaging and what they may be looking for on Instagram. There are different ways for you to do this, and it will depend on what kind of Instagram account you’ll be.

If you’re planning to be an online store, it’s best that you use this time to start building your inventory. Take time to think about which products your audience would find most appealing. 

If you’re planning to become an influencer, then study a specific topic that you’re familiar with. Learn a lot about this niche and what people find interesting about it. This way, you’ll be able to relate with your audience, increasing the chances of getting them as followers.

Next, take a look at the communities your audience pays attention to. Use this to understand them further. Knowing their interests on the platform will help you connect with them much more easily.

Going for a niche is often the best approach in both instances. It’s much easier to relate to the audience of a niche than to the audience a general topic. Doing this is also better for you so you can avoid competition.

Starting up a new Instagram account means you’ll be up against other brands. Some brands will already have an established reputation and presence in certain cultures. Start small, first, and grow your brand until you become an established name in your target community.

Make a Good First Impression

Now that you know what niche you’ll want to get into, it’s time to make a good first impression. A good first impression is the most important part of any marketing strategy. It determines whether an individual becomes a follower, or will end up ignoring you.

This will all start with your brand name. It can either be witty, to let people know you’re a fun brand, or professional, to let them know you’re reliable. What’s important is that your brand name will be easy to commit to memory even after reading it only once.

If you have profiles on different social platforms, make sure the name is consistent. This way, your followers will be able to find you on different platforms with ease. This is important if you want to branch out to cover as many social platforms as you can.

Next, you’ll want to choose a profile image that stands out. Pick an image that will be easy to associate with your name. Instagram profile images are quite small, so make sure the image isn’t hard to decipher when small, too.

Make sure that it isn’t pixelated when you upload it to the platform. You’ll end up looking unprofessional on the platform if this is the case. Consider placing a small description of your business on your Instagram bio, too.

This lets people know what you’re all about when they visit your profile. This way, you’ll be able to attract your intended audience. You’ll also have a better chance of converting them into organic Instagram followers.

Grind Out Content Regularly

Posting content is the simplest way for you to promote organic Instagram growth. These posts should be relevant to your audience so they don’t scroll past them on their feed. One way of making sure that audiences don’t miss your posts is by using colors that make them pop.

You can take advantage of color psychology to influence how people feel when they see your posts. Make sure your post is meaningful, too. It should be informative or have something that your audience can make use of.

Write a small description about the post if you think it needs context. This is so that your followers don’t feel like they wasted their time checking out your post. 

Be Consistent With What You Post and When You Post

Posting creative content isn’t enough to get followers on Instagram fast. You should also note what you post and make sure it’s consistent with your brand identity. Establishing a brand identity is early on is important in attracting the right customers, and sudden shifts in brand tone will often cause them to reconsider their choice in following you.

Stay consistent with what you post and how you sound to prevent follower loss. If you plan on hiring social media managers to handle your account, train them first. Make sure they know about your brand identity to keep the brand on track.

Being consistent also applies to when you upload your posts. As mentioned above, there are a lot of active users on Instagram. This means your followers may not see your posts with other posts filling up their feed.

Uploading your content when your audience is active ensures they see your posts. You can find out when they’re most active through Instagram metrics. You should also consider uploading multiple posts every day.

Instagram is a big platform, and people can forget about you if they don’t see any activity from your profile. Grinding out content regularly makes sure your account doesn’t become irrelevant. You can use scheduling tools to schedule your uploads so you don’t have to do it yourself.

Use Hashtags Relevant to Your Content

Hashtags can help you expand your reach in your target communities. Using relevant hashtags helps your post appear in the feed of people who follow that hashtag. 

They can also make your content searchable. Any post that has the hashtag will pop up when people search for it on Instagram, or if they look up a relevant hashtag.

Make sure your hashtags are relevant to your posts, though. You’ll come off as a spammy account on the platform otherwise.

Promote Engagement in Your Posts

Another way to promote organic Instagram growth is with engagement. Engagement counts as any action done in your posts, like comments and shares. There are a lot of ways for you to generate activity in your posts.

The simplest way is by replying to your follower’s comments. A reply from a profile they follow is sure to elicit a response or reaction from them.

You can also generate engagement on a larger scale through user-generated content. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is an example of UGC. It was a campaign that had people buying their product and provide free marketing for them at the same time.

A UGC campaign may not have as big of a response for you, but it will help generate engagement. This will make your brand more relevant on the platform.

You can also promote engagement through Instagram’s story function. You can create polls and ask questions that followers can respond to. Learn more on the features of Instagram stories to see what else you can do with them. 

Connect With Other Instagram Accounts

Engaging with other influential Instagram accounts is another way to boost growth. Collaborating with other accounts makes sure that you appeal to their audience as well. This is why it’s important to choose who you collaborate with carefully.

Choosing someone with similar services will only cause you to compete with each other. Choosing someone who has no affiliation with your niche means their audience won’t find your brand interesting. 

The key is picking an account whose audience can find your brand appealing. Once you find one, start off by giving each other shoutouts on your accounts. You can then move to larger projects with each other if the audience response is positive.

Grow Your Instagram Account Organically Today

Make sure that your Instagram account gains as many organic followers as it can. By doing so, you’ll hit engagement statistics that you’ve never thought to be possible before. Get followers on Instagram fast and watch your metrics soar through the sky today!

You can do a lot more to grow your Instagram account besides promoting organic growth. Check out the rest of our guides to learn all the things that you didn’t know you could do on Instagram. Master the platform and become a well-known brand today!

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