The Different Types of Pain Explained

Did you know that the CDC reported that over 50 million Americans experience some level of chronic pain? Chances are that you or someone close to you will develop some form of pain in your lifetime.

Would you like to know more about the different types of pain that your body can produce? Here are the most common afflictions that may occur, and how they can best be treated.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain, or pain related to the nervous system, is fairly common. Some of the common injuries resulting from neuropathic pain include sciatica and pinched nerves, which are described often as stinging and stabbing when it is felt.

Some of the best solutions for treating neuropathic pain include natural methods like exercise. Low impact exercise can help many of the causes of pain. In addition, you should also make healthier changes to your diet, like adding more fiber and avoiding unhealthier and processed foods in general.

Nociceptive Pain

Although you may not hear the term nociceptive pain very often, you will no doubt recognize what injuries it causes. This type of pain describes most of the common injuries that occur on a daily basis, including sprains and strains, stomachaches, and many others.

Because this type of pain is so broad, the types of treatment options vary wildly. For example, you may need to rest and relax if you sprain your wrist, but you may need to take some medicine for an upset stomach or other illness.

Chronic Pain

Many Americans suffer from chronic pain, whether it be from an illness or an injury that occurred in the past and never healed properly. Some of the most common types of chronic pain include neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, and general aches from autoimmune or prolonged conditions.

Usually, doctors will prescribe medicine to treat chronic pain, which will focus on improving the patient’s quality of life. Sometimes products like the KaraMD® Comfort Guard X24 can provide comfort after a long day. Massage can also be beneficial for chronic pain.

Unclassified Pain

All of the other types of pain fall into the category of unclassified. The cause of this type of pain is often unknown or too broad and widespread to have one single cause. For example, many people who suffer from fibromyalgia experience all types of pain that seems to be completely randomized with no root cause.

Like the type of pain, treatment of unclassified pain is incredibly broad and personalized. Sometimes doctors will simply tell those who suffer from unclassified pain to rest and take it easy, or they may prescribe a specific medication.

Different Treatments for Different Types of Pain

No matter what type of pain you or your loved one has, you can work with your doctor to formulate a treatment plan for different types of pain.

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