What Are the Benefits of Infrared Saunas

A quick sauna session after a workout is part of many people’s gym routine. Not only does a sauna treatment relax your overworked muscles, but it can help flush out toxins and get your body running more efficiently overall.

Some people may find the heat in a traditional sauna a bit much and if you’re one of them, don’t worry. Infrared saunas are another option that provides all the benefits of a traditional sauna without the intense heat. 

If you’re curious about this type of treatment and the benefits of infrared saunas, we’ve gathered everything you need to know. From better sleep to weight loss to deep relaxation, be prepared to change your life with infrared sauna treatments. 

What Is an Infrared Sauna?

An infrared sauna works differently than a traditional sauna. A sauna is usually a room that is heated to between 158° and 212° Fahrenheit. Infrared saunas operate differently, as they utilize infrared lamps that output electromagnetic radiation to directly warm your body. 

The infrared lamps penetrate the tissue of your body, heating you up before heating the air. 80% of the heat goes to your body while the remaining heat goes into the air. The temperatures run lower, around 120° to 140°. 

The environment of an infrared sauna is easier for most people to deal with, enabling them to stay in the sauna for longer periods of time. They’re able to stay in the sauna longer, reaping all of the benefits. 

The Benefits of Infrared Saunas 

Infrared saunas are used by chiropractors, doctors, and physical therapists to help their patients heal their skin conditions, deal with pain, heal their bodies, and increase flexibility. Infrared saunas provide people with additional health benefits to improve their lives. 


The heat from the infrared lights stimulates your sweat glands and increases blood circulation. This releases built-up toxins in your body that you sweat out during treatment. If you do an infrared sauna treatment daily, it can help detoxify your body of the following substances:

  • Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, nickel, and cadmium
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Additional inorganic and organic compounds

Sweating is a great way to rid your body of these chemicals, improving your circulation. 

Supports Your Immune System 

As the infrared wavelengths penetrate your body, it raises your core body temperature. This induces an artificial fever. Your body uses a fever as a mechanism to accelerate and strengthen your immune system’s response. 

An infrared sauna enhances your immune system. It combines with the improved way your body eliminates waste and toxins through sweating, increasing your resistance to diseases and overall health. 

Additionally, an infrared sauna may help fight the coronavirus disease. Coronavirus is unable to withstand high temperatures. Given that, the high heat of an infrared sauna, coupled with eliminating toxins from your body, will help kill off the virus. 

Increased Metabolism

Using an infrared sauna will help give your body the same cardiovascular boost as running does. Your body produces extra sweat, pumps extra blood, and burns calories. Another term for this is “passive aerobic workout.”

Your body isn’t being stressed like it is in a typical workout. It receives all the benefits but is more relaxed. Your body can burn up to 600 calories with an infrared sauna treatment. 

Improved Muscle Aches and Joint Pain

Infrared saunas help relieve inflammation, soreness, and stiffness in your body. It does this by increasing your body’s blood circulation and letting the infrared heat relax your muscles. As the infrared lights warm up your muscles, it allows for a greater range of motion and flexibility. 

Warming up your muscles also relieves pain and muscle tension. Spending extended periods of time can also bring relief to various forms of arthritis. It has also been used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Neuralgia
  • Sprains
  • Muscle spasms
  • Bursitis
  • Joint stiffness
  • Other musculoskeletal ailments

Using an infrared sauna regularly will also help you combat the normal aches, pains, and stiffness that come with the aging process. 

Fatigue and Stress Reduction

Spend a few minutes in an infrared sauna, basking in the gentle warmth, and feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and renewed. It provides you with much-needed self-care time to chill out and reap all the benefits without having to lift a finger. Add an infrared sauna into your post-workout routine or when you want to have a day devoted to your wellness

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is commonly found in the thigh, buttock, and abdominal regions. Many people have cellulite and it’s often not reduced by losing weight. 

The infrared sauna’s heat penetrates three times as deep as a traditional sauna, making it more effective at reducing cellulite. It increases your body’s metabolism and flushes out toxins stored in fat cells. 

As the infrared sauna increases your heart rate and blood circulation, it works to flush out the liquids in your body’s fat cells. This causes a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. 

Improvement of Skin Conditions

Your body sweats out impurities and dead skin cells during an infrared sauna treatment, leaving your skin looking clean and glowing. Increased blood circulation brings your body’s natural nutrients to the surface of your skin, resulting in a natural glow. 

People who use an infrared sauna treatment regularly have reported seeing an improvement in their skin color, tone, texture, and elasticity. With improved blood circulation, you can expect to see improvements with psoriasis, acne, and eczema. 

Implement Infrared Therapy Into Your Life

The benefits of infrared saunas are countless, making it a great option for those who find traditional saunas uncomfortable. Not only will your body’s health improve, resulting in you feeling less pain and being more healthy, but you’ll start feeling relaxed immediately. 

For more information on other wellness trends, check out one of our other articles. 

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