What Do I Need in My Eye Care Routine?

woman's eye

Like many parts of the body, your eyes become more sensitive as you age. The only way to combat wrinkles, puffiness, and vision issues is to enhance your eye care practices.

This may sound like an inconvenience, but if you start incorporating small protective measures, you’ll soon realize that maintaining healthy eyes isn’t too hard. Your first step is to stay educated.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I change my eye care routine for the better,” keep reading. We’re going over some easy techniques and lifestyle habits that will help.

Daily Moisturizing

Dehydration is one of the worst things for your skin. It leads to cracks, wrinkles, and flaking.

Applying a daily moisturizer is a great way to decrease wrinkles around your eyes and slow down the aging process. It’s also important to drink plenty of water.

When choosing a moisturizing lotion, keep in mind that the skin around your eyes is thinner and more sensitive than in other areas of your face. It’s fine to use a face moisturizer that’s light and doesn’t contain irritants.

You can also buy a lotion that’s specifically designed for eyes. You can even use it on your eyelids.

If moisturizing causes irritated skin, there are plenty of serums and creams that can help.

Sun Protection

If you plan on going out in the sun, it’s crucial you apply sunblock thirty minutes in advance. However, you don’t have to have a day at the beach planned. Spending small amounts of time outdoors can wreak havoc on the skin around your eyes.

Too much sun exposure can lead to crow’s feet. You may not notice them now, but if you don’t protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays, you’ll get them down the road.

Many moisturizers contain sunblock. Find one that suits you and take care of hydrating and protecting your skin in one step.

It’s also important to wear sunglasses any time you’re outside. This helps protect the skin around your eyes. It cuts down on the chance of vision issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Regular Eye Exams

Getting an eye exam each year is one of the best ways to preserve your eyes. Avoid skipping them, even if you don’t notice a problem.

During an exam, a doctor will determine if you need glasses or an updated prescription. An exam will also help catch eye conditions before they get too serious. You can then take steps to protect your vision and general health of your eyes.

When getting an exam, opt for dilation. Getting your eyes dilated widens your pupils, which allows the doctor to see more of the inside of your eye.

If you’re having trouble with redness or irritation, your doctor can pinpoint the issue and offer solutions. They can even suggest products to help improve the skin around your eyes.

A Balanced Diet

It may not feel like it, but eating a balanced diet helps improve the condition of your eyes. As part of your eye care routine, you may need to make some dietary changes.

Certain vitamins and nutrients promote healthy vision. Make sure you’re getting plenty of beta-carotene, zinc, and vitamin C. These decrease the chance of developing macular degeneration.

Foods like leafy greens, poultry, peanuts, and beans are great sources of zinc and other beneficial vitamins. Incorporate these into your everyday diet.

It’s also important to maintain healthy blood pressure. This reduces the risk of getting broken vessels in your eyes, which can lead to several issues.

Finally, drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. This will keep you hydrated, which means smoother, softer skin.

Makeup Maintenance

If you wear makeup, there’s a chance you need to take extra precautions to protect your eyes and the skin around them. This is especially true if you wear mascara.

Avoid keeping makeup for more than three months. Bacteria can form in liquid-based makeups and those with a creamy consistency.

Never share makeup with other people. Doing so could result in an infection or allergies that can affect your eyes.

Always remove your makeup at the end of the day and clean your face thoroughly. Applying a nighttime moisturizer will keep the skin around your eyes hydrated and help reduce the presence of wrinkles.

Stop Smoking

Aside from increasing the chance of eye conditions later in life, smoking damages your skin. Staying away from cigarettes will help slow the aging process and keep your eyes looking great.

Smoking increases the risk of developing conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and uveitis. It also depletes the skin of vitamins and nutrients that aid in repairing damaged cells.

When you smoke cigarettes regularly, you’re damaging your blood vessels. This can cause harm to your retinas and also lead to dry eyes.

If you’re a smoker, quitting will improve the appearance of your pupils. You may notice your eyes looking clearer and brighter. This is due to the elimination of toxins found in cigarettes.

Always Wear Your Corrective Lenses

If you have glasses or contacts, it’s important you wear them all the time. Using them only when you feel you need them is damaging.

Straining and squinting to see is more harmful than it seems. Doing this regularly can damage your vision and even cause the appearance of your eyes to deteriorate.

If you work at a computer or read a lot, constant squinting can cause redness, puffiness, and dark circles under your eyes. You may also start experiencing dryness and irritation.

If you wear glasses but find yourself misplacing or forgetting them, think about switching to contacts.

How Do I Improve My Eye Care? Now You Know!

Your eyes are the most beautiful part of your face. To keep them looking good and functioning as they should, you’ll need to make some changes.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “Is my eye care regimen good enough,” use the points discussed above as a quick reference tool. Then, start making changes today.

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