What Exactly is a Drug? A Common Word with a Broad Definition

Drugs generate hundreds of billions of dollars worth of revenue each year. The returns are huge in both the black market and legal market sales. 

Do you know the difference between an illegal drug and an illicit drug? What even counts as a drug in the first place? In this article, we will shine some light on all aspects surrounding the question: what is a drug?

We’ll discuss the definition of a drug, drug classification, the differences between pharmacological vs. recreational drugs, and more. 

Drugs Defined: What Is a Drug? 

In the broadest sense of the term, a drug is any substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or introduced into the body. Drugs affect things like how the brain works and feeling, perception, and behavior, both mentally and physically. 

Drugs are derived from a variety of sources. They occur naturally in the form of plants, such as Cannabis and mushrooms. Others combine plant products processed together with other ingredients, as is the case with alcohol. Other drugs are made completely from synthetic chemicals. 

Classes of Drugs

Drug is an umbrella term for a wide range of substances. Drugs both help and harm the body, depending on the particular substance and the context in which it is used.  Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between various drug classifications. 

Legal Drugs

The use of legal drugs, either medically or recreationally, has no repercussions from the law. They include pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a doctor. Substances like nicotine and caffeine are legal drugs too. That’s right; your morning coffee IS a drug!

Illegal Drugs

As the name implies, the use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. This also includes manufacturing, sale, or possession. 

Illegal drugs are also referred to as ‘street drugs.’ They are primarily categorized as:

  • Stimulants (cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA)
  • Depressants (heroin, GHB)
  • Hallucinogens (LSD, ketamine)

Illicit Drugs

This term refers to substances that are or can be legal but are obtained illegally or misused. 

The most common example of illicit drug use is the abuse of prescription pills, especially pain or anxiety medication. It also includes ‘huffing’ – the inhalation of common household products such as glue or paint thinner. 

Drug Abuse and Addiction

Regardless of the type or classification of drugs, the potential for abuse or addiction exists. Drugs affect the dopamine levels in the brain, so over time, the more a person consumes, the more they need to feel normal. 

While something like coffee consumption is easy to cut back on, other substances are likely to require professional treatment. You can learn more here about one such means of addressing drug or alcohol misuse. 

A Whole Wide World of Drugs

Although we’ve only scratched the surface into the vast world of drugs, you now likely have an understanding of one key question: what is a drug? Whether legal, illegal, or illicit, all drugs have some physiological effect on the body.

Stay tuned to our blog for a continuing dose of interesting content. 

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