What to Wear to Pride (And Other Pride Preparation Tips)

what to wear to pride

Pride parades have exploded not only in the United States, but throughout the entire world. Identifying as LGBTQIA+ has become increasingly acceptable in the last decade. More and more people are able to be loud and proud, out of the closet in all of their fabulousness.

Which means that there are a lot more options than just the feather boas and rainbow sashes of yesteryear. With 2 million people attending NYC’s pride parade in 2016, pride outfits have quickly become a rising industry.

If you’re wondering what to wear to pride, we’ve got you covered in sequins, satin, denim, and leather.

What To Wear To Pride Week

There are a lot of different flavors to LBTQIA+. Everyone rocks their style in their own way, as Pride Week is, ultimately, about expressing your individuality.

Think of this as less of a checklist and more of a tasteful friend giving your closet a once-over.


Seeing as how there are so many different groups attending any given Pride Week, there’s not really such a thing as a Pride costume or uniform.

One thing that is fairly consistent among pride events is that they usually happen during nice weather. It’s pretty much necessary for the parades, nearly-naked dance parties, and other madness that generally happens outside.

So if you’re attending any daytime pride events, make sure to put on some sunscreen. Keep your complexion as unblemished for as long as possible. There will be plenty of time to be wizened, down the line.


Vests are another fashion accessory that transcend many queer communities. There’s some kind of vest for nearly any kind of person. There are leather vests for the tough. There are orange DayGlo vests, for the candy raver set.

Consider making your own queer “battle vest,” like the punks and metalheads call it. Stitch on some of your favorite patches and sprinkle liberally with some of your favorite enamel pins.

Pride Shirts

Possibly the best side-effect of LGBTQIA+ becoming more accepted and mainstream–apart from people living the life of dignity and authenticity they deserve–is there’s a much wider array of classy, stylish Pride Week shirts to choose from.

You no longer have to dress like your wardrobe was purchased at some Mardi Gras novelty shop! You can still find your classic sarcastic Pride shirts all over the place. Upscale designers are also creating their own stylish shirts for Pride Week, for the fashionistas.

Make sure to take a look at this stylish pride shirt from bodyrags, while you’re at it.

Think of these tips as the building blocks from which you will construct your ultimate Pride Week ensemble. Remember, Pride Week is all about being loud and proud of your uniqueness and individuality. Now that you’ve got the basics down, to quote Donna Summers “You’ve got it/Now flaunt it.”

Looking For More Style Inspiration?

Now that you know what to wear to pride, wouldn’t you love to know more tips and hacks, too?

Well, we’re here to help you stay up-to-date and current with pretty much everything! Whether you’re looking for useful tips or interesting people, you’ll find something to inspire you!

Make sure to browse the rest of our fashion articles, while you’re at it!

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