Why Can’t I Get Motivated? 7 Tips for Kickstarting Your Motivation

Over 90% of people admit that they don’t reach the goals they set for themselves. Why? Most often they just lack the motivation to work towards what they want. 

If you find yourself lacking motivation on a daily or irregular basis, you aren’t alone. Being unmotivated can come in many forms, from not wanting to get out of bed in the morning to avoiding healthy habits like exercising. Whether your lack of motivation is big or small, you don’t have to settle for an unmotivated life. 

Are you asking yourself why can’t I get motivated? If so, keep reading for the best tips to help kickstart your motivation. 

1. Set Goals for Yourself

The first step in how to get motivated is to set goals for yourself. It’s very hard to even become motivated in the first place if you don’t know what you’re working towards. 

Work on setting SMART goals for yourself. These are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.

An example of a bad goal is “I want to be healthy.” This goal doesn’t define what healthy is or how you’ll achieve it, making it nearly impossible to ever meet. A SMART goal is “I want to lose 15 pounds in the next six months by working out at least three times a week.”

2. Discover What Inspires You

To stay motivated, you need to discover what motivates you to succeed in life. 

Some people are motivated by success at work or quality time with their family. Others are motivated by material things or financial peace.

Once you know what makes you happy, you can use this to help motivate you. For example, you can tell yourself that if you lose 15 pounds, you’ll be healthier and be able to do more things with your family. Or if you lose 15 pounds, you’ll need a new wardrobe which means investing in quality clothing. 

3. Find a Way to Make a Difference

Once you’ve discovered how to find what you’re good at, you can use it to make a difference. Nothing motivates a person more than seeing their actions positively impact others. 

If you’re good at baking, consider volunteering for a charity bake sale. If you are good at teaching, consider mentoring a child to help them achieve their own goals. If you are just focused on your main goal of losing weight, sign up for charity runs to work out while contributing to a cause. 

There are countless ways to make a difference, whether they are big or small actions. Witnessing that your own actions can serve a larger person can help keep you motivated. 

4. Create a Vision Board

Vision boards are a great tool that people use to visualize their goals and dreams. 

Using photographs and graphics, create a collage to show what your life could look like after achieving your goals. This could be images of your ideal vacation destination, your dream home, or simple things like a happy family. 

Don’t forget to include your favorite motivational quotes on your board. Websites, like Love Expands, have collected the most inspiring quotes available. Click here to check it out!

It’s important to place your vision board in a place where you’ll frequently see it. Your fridge, bedroom, or home office are all great locations. 

5. Start Meditating 

If you’ve been ignoring the many benefits of mediation, it may be just the right habit you need to build motivation. 

Meditation is the act of clearing your mind for a certain amount of time. This helps decrease any anxiety, worry, or bad thoughts you may be experiencing. With a clear mind, you can achieve a more positive outlook and concentrate better on your goals. 

Meditation first thing in the morning to start your day off right or before bed to clear your thoughts before sleeping. If you’re new to meditation, consider downloading an app to help guide you through the process. 

6. Reward Yourself Frequently

To understand how to become motivated, you also need to know what is motivation. In its simplest definition, motivation is the reason for acting a certain way. And nothing gives you a better reason to do something than a reward system. 

Since you’ve already set your goals, you already know at what points you deserve a reward. So now all that’s left to do is decide which reward you should give yourself at certain milestones and upon completing your larger goals. 

Milestone rewards can be something as simple as eating out at your favorite restaurant or using a vacation day from work. Your ultimate goal rewards should be bigger, like a vacation with friends or purchasing a big-ticket item you’ve wanted for a long time. 

7. Avoid Negative Influences

The last tip to help you retain motivation is to avoid negative influences in your life. 

For some, negative influences come in the form of people who keep you from achieving your goals. This could include that friend that convinces you to binge-watch a new show instead of working out. For others, negative influences can include things like social media that district them. 

Once you identify your negative influences, work to replace them with more positive influences, like people or hobbies who support your ideals. 

Stop Asking ‘Why Can’t I Get Motivated?’

After reading this article, it’s time to stop asking “why can’t I get motivated?” and start making your dreams a reality. 

Start by setting clear goals for yourself and finding hobbies that you enjoy and that can make a difference. Then, you can create a vision board and incorporate meditation into your routine to help visualize success. Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself frequently and avoid negative influences. 

Looking for more ways to improve your life? Head to the Useful Tips section of this site for similar content to help you reach your goals. 

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