Why Clear Stickers Are a Print Designer’s Best Friend

One-third of consumers base their purchase on product packaging. Let that sink in for a second…one-third of people buy something based on branding that they find “cool,” “modern,” “pretty,” or some other adjective.

Packaging, and by proxy branding, has an enormous impact on consumer perception and thus sales. If you want to move more products, you need high-quality branding.

That’s why today, we want to talk about clear logo labels. Clear stickers are the next big thing in branding and we’re confident you’ll love them. Let’s see why.

Consumers See What They’re Getting

Clear logo labels let people see what they’re buying. Consumers can see through your packaging and look directly at your product. Transparency is especially important if you’re selling something that’s quality revolves around texture, color, or other visual cues.

For example…


Soda (or pop) is a perfect medium for clear stickers branding. The idea being that your consumers can see through the logo and into the delicious, fizzy, bold-colored soda. People eat with their eyes, after all, so don’t block their sight!


Cosmetics also benefit from clear labels. Beauty products come in all shapes and sizes. Some are smooth, some thick, some vibrant, some dull, and everything in-between.

Showing off the cosmetics helps consumers feel comfortable putting the products on their skin. After all, transparent labels mean there’s nothing to hide.

Modern, Clean Branding and Packaging

Consumers like branding that’s visually appealing. Sometimes that means cool logos, sometimes it means aggressive packaging. But if you’re trying to showcase your product, it means clear logo labels.

Clear branding gives off a confident, modern vibe. Clean lines and clean looks give people the sense that you’re a professional brand that’s more worried about showcasing your product than in-your-face marketing.

However, clear stickers are still stickers. Consumers can still see your branding which ensures you’re still subtly marketing your product.

Clear Stickers Are Affordable

Designing a logo is far from a one-size-fits-all expense. The more complex your logo the more money you’ll owe to the designer or designers. That said, clear logos are far simpler to both design and produce than their colored counterparts.

The more money you save on your logo, the more money you have to invest back into your business.

Logos and More

There’s nothing in this world that isn’t interesting if you’re looking at it from the correct perspective. Yes, even clear stickers can entertain if you’re willing to learn about them.

That’s why we built Lateet. We’re dedicated to infusing some interest into any and all kinds of topics. From CBD to logos, to alcohol and Bollywood, there’s nothing we can’t spin into an interesting tail.

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